Chapter 2

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A/N: Please enjoy the story.


"So, where should we start?" Goku scratched his head thoughtfully, turning towards Chichi. She stared at him attentively, eager to learn.

"Well...ur..." Goku fumbled, trying to find the right words.

"Concentrating? Yeah, that's a start..."

He frowned. "But I guess you should know what ki is..."

"Yes?" Chichi sat up as straight as possible, drinking his words in.

"It's get it from eating lots..."

"Being fat?" Chichi suggested 'helpfully'.

"No...en something...en...en..." Goku muttered to himself.

"Energy?" Chichi gave her eager input.

"Yes! Right, so it's like energy, but it"

"So life-energy then?"

"Yeah! I guess..."

"Ok! Now I know what ki is, can you teach me how to control it?" Chichi spoke in a rush, eager to get the words out.

"What? Don't speak so fast." Goku pressed his finger to his forehead. "So, concentrating..."

"Yes!" Chichi yelled, trying to encourage him.

But Goku wasn't listening. He had felt as if a strange presence had entered his mind, and was telling him to speak.

"So you have to concentrate your ki into the part of your body you need to use to perform the action you want." Goku stopped abruptly. He stared at his hands.

"How did...I work...that out?" He wondered aloud.

"Son-sensei! Please explain more!"

"Son-sensei?! Chi, you don't need to go that far!"

"Sorry! Will you still teach me?!" Chichi felt suddenly worried.

"Of course! What made you think I wouldn't?"


"Well, anyway." The strange feeling from before came back, and again Goku felt compelled to speak. "I was saying that for flying, you have to concentrate the ki into your chest and stomach, and let the ki flow out from there. So try lying still – but relaxed – and letting all the ki flow to your middle. Don't be worried if you start to lift off the ground a bit - that's a good sign."

Again, Goku stared at himself in confusion, murmuring, "How do I keep doing that?"

Chichi followed Goku's instructions, lying flat on the soothing grass. She relaxed, and focuses on the energy flowing through her body, then envisioned it flowing to her centre. She felt a soft glow of warmth emanating from her, slowly growing stronger. A beautiful tingly feeling spread to every corner of her body, making her feel very light.

Something clicked inside her. She felt the soft grass underneath her slowly lift away. She smiled, knowing and imagining what was happening.

"Wow, Chi!" Chichi heard Goku breathe next to her. Her smile grew wider.

"You're a really fast learner!" Chichi beamed, then slowly opened her eyes. Slowly, she turned. A gasp escaped her lips as she realised that she was floating. She was floating! She had done it!

"Ok, slowly release the ki to let yourself down. Don't release it all at once, or you'll fall down..." Yet again, a bemused expression came over him, before he shrugged it off.

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