Chapter 5

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Please enjoy the story!!


"Chichi? Chichi, are you ok?"

Tears blurred her vision. With the support of the wall behind her, she staggered to her feet. In front of her, proffering a hand, was Goku. Chichi wiped away her tears, and was about to accept his hand when she spotted a figure shadowing Goku.

The figure laughed, then tugged on Goku's arm. "Come on, Goku, we've got better things to do than waste our time with her!"

"Ok..." Reluctantly, Goku turned away, leaving Chichi staring after him. Just as the two rounded the corner, the figure glanced back, a sneer twisting her face. Suno.

Chichi woke with a start. Just a dream. She noticed that her pillow was soaking.

"Ugh, I'm such a baby," she muttered.

Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Chichi sighed in relief as she realised that she had been napping. It was still Friday, after school. What luck she had, with that incident to spoil the rest of her weekend.

Chichi was glad that she didn't have to face Goku for two days. It gave her a bit of time to think things over.

But why had she been so upset in the first place? She could just continue to be friends with Goku. Surely Suno wouldn't push her that far away from him?

Friends. That word sounded so hollow. Deep down, she could feel that nagging sensation, hear the little voice whispering in her ear...

"What if Goku hates me because I ran away from his childhood friend?" Chichi realised she was talking to herself, and sighed.

"Now I'm a baby and a weirdo," she muttered. "I really hope he still likes me though..."

She growled. "Dammit, why am I such a hopeless cause? Dream on if you think you can ever be with Goku..."

The problem was, Chichi would dream on. Even if her dreams were crushed. She was that kind of girl.

She sighed. "But he could have at least tried to contact me..."


In fact, he had tried to contact her. Several times. The only thing stopping Goku was that he had absolutely no idea how to text, and he had forgotten how to phone...

Goku tried again. "Ah, my fingers keep slipping!" Gritting his teeth, Goku glared, stony-faced at the unyielding phone screen. "Work, dammit!"

A sudden flash of inspiration came to him. "Of course! Instant trans... trans... trans- whatsitmijig!"

Placing two of his fingers atop his forehead, he closed his eyes, then sought after Chichi's ki. A few seconds passed before he located it. It wasn't to big a job, as for some reason, Chichi had ki all flared up.

"She fightin' someone?" Goku pondered, then grinned. "Maybe I can join in!"

Then he was gone.


It was another normal day for Bulma. More normal than usual. Her day had been surprisingly calm so far, it looked like she would get home in a good time, and she hadn't had any... thoughts... of Vegeta-

"Well, that ruins my day..." Bulma sighed and kept walking. She knew her head was going to be filled with Vegeta thoughts all throughout the rest of the day now.

Distracted, she wandered aimlessly down a street just past the shop she had just visited. Turning a corner, she suddenly found herself face-to-face with none other than the proud prince of the Saiyans himself, Vegeta. After a few seconds, Bulma realised that her unfortunate positioning meant that their lips were also pressed together.

DBZ High SchoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora