Author's Note (NB)

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Hello friends!

I'm Siobhan (aka keep_the_secret), the writer of We're the Back Pocket Believers and Love Yourself So No One Has To.As some of you may have noticed, I kind of abandoned this story about a year ago. I still love all of the characters, and All Time Low are still my favourite band (I saw them on Paddy's Day and it was literally the best day of my life but that's irrelevant so I'll shut up now), but I just didn't feel that much interest in writing and continuing the story. It happens, and it sucks, but anyway.

So sometime before Christmas, I began talking to this cool chica Kinza. She is absolutely amazing, but more importantly, she wants to continue telling Pommie's story! The chapters will still be posted on my account and all, but they'll be written by her, so go follow her IMMEDIATELY! Her username is kinzaisabaws, and you will love her. In fact, here she is now!

Hello people of LYSNHT! I'm Kinza and I've been in love with the story and plot of this since I read it around 6 months ago, and when I saw it stopped, I was basically heartbroken. And frankly, I didn't want anyone else to feel that way so I sent a message to Siobhan (keep_the_secret) and here we are! I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!

That's all from us. You'll here from Kinza soon, when we post Chapter Nine! 

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