Chapter Three

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The next morning we awoke stiff and sweaty , the sun ignoring our curtains and bleeding onto the furniture around us . Nikki groaned from the bed beside me , shifting around grumpily .

“So … Flippin' … Hot” She mumbled , “Pommie , could you close the curtains please ?”

“They are closed” I replied , throwing a pillow over my eyes .

“Oh” Nikki said , and giggled sleepily .

After realising that there was no point staying in bed , I got up . I took a shower before getting dressed and checking my phone . Alex had sent out a group text saying that breakfast would be taken care of at the hotel's buffet . Just reading about it made me realise how hungry I was , so I told Nikki where I was going before grabbing my key to the suite and getting onto an elevator .

Jack , Zack and Vinny stood at the buffet stuffing their faces with food .

“I know right ?” Alex said from behind me , making me jump . “They didn't even bother sitting down .”

“Good morning to you too” I replied , “Do you think they left any food ?”

“Doubtful “ Alex answered , “But here” He pushed his half-eaten tray of fruit and biscuits towards me . “Help yourself .”

“Thanks . So , where's Rian and Cass ?”

“Still in bed “ Alex answered , raising an eyebrow that made me blush . “What about the rest of the girls ?”

“They're in bed too , “And when Alex started chuckling I added “Only , but , um , not -not together .”

“Whatever you say , Pommie , but I know what's really going on up there .”

Rian and Cassadee joined us after a while , and we began making plans .

“You know where she lives , right Pommie ?” Alex checked for the third time .

“I'm pretty sure I do “ I said vaguely .

He pursed his lips . “That'll have to do , I guess . Rian – you rented out a car ?”

“Yes . We can pick it up any time after three .”

“Okay , good . It should take us a few hours to get there , we'll get there about five . Find the house , then regenerate for a few hours – and at midnight , we hit the house .”

“This is like a real life version of Home Alone “ Jack said gleefully , then frowned . “Only we're the bad guys ...”

Rian , Alex , Jack and I piled into the SUV . It had blackout windows as well as AC , meaning that it would be cool in there . That was a good thing , considering that it was over 90 degrees outside .

“Remember , meet us at the restaurant at half nine” Rian reminded Cassadee . Everyone else had decided to stay behind while we went on ahead to scope out Hazel's house .

“We'll be there “ Cassadee told her boyfriend , kissing him on the cheek . She peered in the car door at the rest of us . “Good luck , guys ! Remember to call us later !”

“Got it” Alex promised , revving the engine impatiently .

“Okay” Cassadee laughed , “I can take a hint . Bye !”

She stood at the steps of the hotel and waved goodbye as our car disappeared into the busy streets . Jack put on the new Foo Fighters album and began to sing along at the top of his voice . I sat in the passenger seat , pouring over a map and GPS , trying to figure out where to go .

Love Yourself So No One Has ToOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz