11 years before...

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I was busy on combing my hair and watching after Kevin, It was the end of another happy day for me until I heard something coming from downstairs, I went down to see mom and dad in the kitchen, Talking about something, It didn't look good, I watched and listened:

"What do you mean 'you can't do it anymore' Amanda?" Dad asked.

"This is exactly what I mean Kurt, I can't do it anymore! I can't be with you." Mom said before she sighed.

"I met someone else, Someone better that can give me everything that I want, I'm sorry Kurt, but it's not this anymore." Mom said, What is she doing?

"Amanda, You can't do this! Maybe you don't love me, But what about Judy? and Kevin? He's only 5 monthes years old, You can't just leave them like that!" Dad said.

"No I can't Kurt, I know that, That's why I'm taking them with me tomorrow." Mom said.

"What? NO! I won't let you!" Dad said.

"Tomorrow I'm taking them and nothing can stop me." She said, I stepped in.

"I can!" I said as I entered the room, Mom and Dad jumped.

"Ju-Ju?" Mom said.

"Don't call me that!!" I said as tears went down.

"I thought you love us Mom, If you're ready to seperate our family like that then I'm not ready to do it." I said.

"Judy..." I cut her off.

"Take your stuff and leave this house, I don't wanna go with you and Kevin is staying with us as well." I told her, Dad was shocked.

"Don't talk like that to your mother!" She said, I cried but I didn't give it out as I said:

"You're not my mother." There was a silent, Amanda looked like something just ate her, Dad got up and stood behind me.

"You heard her decition Amanda." Dad said, Amanda slowly got up and picked her big bag, She oppened the door and turned to look at me one last time.

"One day I'll come back Kurt, One day I'll come back and I'll take them, and you ,Judy, will be the first." And with that she left.

Dad left the place he stood behind me and sat down next to the kitchen table, He put one hand on his face so I wasn't able to see him, I got closer.

"Daddy...? Are you okay?" I said in a shakey voice as I took his hand off to see his face, Only to be grabbed by him into his chest as he hugged me.

"I love you so much little girl..." He whispered to me as I heard him crying, His voice made me to cry as well.

"I love you too Daddy...." I cried out into shoulder.

(Heya guys! How was that? Did you like it? Leave a comment and tell me what do you think about that, Love ya!)   

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