Experiment 2.0 (part 2)

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Judy POV:

I stared at her... What the heck is she doing??

"What do you want?" I asked in anger

"Is that your way to say hi after so many years? On second thought, Why did I expect anything else? After all the time you grew up with this dirty old man" She growled, How dare she talk about dad like that!

"What. Do. You. Want.?" I asked again in more anger, She sighed fakly and started to walk around the lab

"You see Ju-Ju? After you made me leave the house without you, I made myself a promise, to get you no matter what it takes, I started to rebuild my life again... maybe in some disgusting ways but don't worry, I never got caught" Amanda said

"Because I was really worried about that" I said in sarcasm, She kept on going, Not noticing me.

"But after a while I caught someone's intrest, He said that he could use someone with skills like mine to get someone for him, and of course I agreed after he told me he'll help me to get you, He taught me everything I was suppose to know and I started to follow those things he was asking me for, You can't imagine how much I was surprised to find you and them together, The Shredder on the other hand find it somewhat intresting..." My eyes winded, The Shredder? She was following the turtles??

"After a while, He introduced me to the Kranng, I knew them already, You wanna know why Ju-Ju?" I didn't answer

"Because I let them do experiments on me when I was first pragnant with you, Your father and I visited April's family in the farm house, The Kranng showed up and started to experiment April's mother and I, I was experiment 1.0 and you were 2.0, April's mother tried to reject them but I didn't mind... I felt strong, happy, belonged... but when you were finally born, Your father and my stupid brother showed up and took us out, April's mother got kidnapped again when they tried to escape and I had to pretend like I was scared... I could'd stay there and become more powerful but thanks to KURT!! I lost everything!!" She's gone crazy!! 

"Agh, You can't imagine how angry I was when I saw you, With those stupid cloths, The dirty talk, the skateboard... He turned you into a BOY, An Idiot boy like hi-"

"SHUT UP!!!" I yelled


"That's not a way to speak to your moth-"

"You. are not. my mother.! A real mother wouldn't try to kill her daughter's friends, A real mother wouldn't kidnap her daughter! A real mother wouldn't let anything like that to happen, Well, NOT MY MOTHER, THAT'S FOR SURE!!!" I let out everything! All the anger I held on everyone.

The kids at kindergarden that'll use my hat as a ball, The boys in school that always called me 'Stupid Boy', The girls at school that will lock me in the bathroom with them and one of them would 'make up' me as a clown, The teachers who didn't do anything to help me with that, The teachers who always punish me for failing in my classes even though they knew I'm busy with my family, The doctors that didn't help my brother to see the world at its' brightness when I can't either and as a final: My anger on her.

The anger she made me feel everytime I'd see dad dating girls he doesn't want to because he still loved her, everytime on 'bring your mother' day to school and I'd sit alone, everytime when Kevin asked me as a kid when is mommy coming back...

Everytime that I wanted to tell Donnie that I like him and I can't because nobody ever taught me how to talk with boys...

Because every boy in the world that will see 'Jude the Dude' will NEVER consider her as a potentially girlfriend...

And now... When finally someone is asking me out, Even if it's not real... she came and ruin everthing!!

Amanda looked very angry...

"Well... if that's what you think, You left me no other choice...." She was about to push a button but something flew and slashed her finger, she growled in pain and surprise

"Leave her alone!" The guys! Donnie reached me and the others started to fight the kranng and Amanda

"Are you ok Judy?" Donnie asked

"It depends on how a girl who's about to swim while being tied up suppose to feel" I said with a little smile as he started to push the buttons on the controller to bring me back to him, I finally reached him and he started to untie me

"What's with the suits?" I asked when I noticed to weird and tight black suit he and the guys wore, The suits covered all of their body and each of the guys had some line on the suits in their color and the masks were there of course

"Immune-Mutagen suits" He said

"Love it!" I said with a smile 

"I'm so sorry Judy, It wasn't suppose to happen" He said as he put in effort to untie me

"It's no biggies, I'd gone through worse" I said, He looked at me with a quistioning look

"Forget the last part" He chuckled a little and finally freed me

"Let's get out of here" We were about to go but suddenly Amanda stood in front of us with a gun

"Not. So. Fast." She said as she started to walk slowly towards us, Donnie and I backed away until we reached the end of the board, Donnie held me closly

"Now Ju-Ju, you'll be a good kid and jump into the canister or else I'm shooting Lover Boy over here" She said

"You wouldn't dare" I hissed

"Don't test me" She said as she pulled the trigger

"BONSAI!" I heard a familier scream, We turned to look just in time to see Amanda suddenly being knocked off, Donnie and I hurried to leave the bridge and downstairs, when we were sure we are safe, we turned to see who saved us and there stood Kevin and his friends on bikes: Jasper, Lucas and Rex, Kevin was riding Jasper bikes, He got off

"Kevin? I thought we told you to stay in the lair with Hannah and Ella" Donnie said in surprise

"As if I'd listen" Kevin snorted then he saw me

"JUDE!!" He called in happiness and started to run towards me but suddenly I saw Amanda getting up

"KEVIN WATCH OUT!!" I screamed but Amanda caught his leg and then picked him up, She pushed Jasper aside.

"Hello my son, Care to join me?" She asked evilly and started to drag him towards the canister

"NO!" I yelled and ran towards a lower bridge

"Judy! Don't!" Donnie yelled but I already jumped just in the moment Amanda threw Kevin, I pushed him away from the canister but fell instead

The pain I felt on my skin and in my whole body hurt so much!! I screamed in pain and I felt like I'm dying and I can't breathe

"JUDY!!!" Everyone screamed and I especially heard Donnie screaming, Amanda laughed hypsteraclly... until I lost concious.... I'm gonna drown........

Donnie POV:

I ran towards the canister and jumped in, swimming to get Judy....

I can't believe I let this happen to her....

It's all my fault....

(Heya guys! How was that? I hope you like it, Please leave a comment and tell me what do you think, Love ya!)

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