Date Pretened. (part 2)

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Judy POV:

As I was about to leave the lair, Something fishy got my nose.

No, I mean it, I am really smelling something gross.

I went to the kitchen to see Hannah eating Pop Tarts... with mushrooms and salt!!???

"Hannah?" I asked in surprise, Hannah jumped and almost dropped the pop tart.

"What are you doing here? I thought you went to the doctor with Leo" I told her

"We came back, Leo is in the dojo with Splinter, The doctor didn't find anything worng" She told me

"Well, Something IS worng with you Hannah, Have you noticed what you're eating?" I asked her

"I was just in the mood for it" She told me, She sounded insecure, I grabbed her hand

"C'mon, I'm taking you to Big D" I told her

"Wait, Don't!" She stopped us, I looked at her, She sat down next to the table and sighed

"I lied, There's something, but it isn't wrong... I'm pregnant" She finally said, I looked at her with shock and then squeaked

"Is that what you were hiding from Leo all the time?" I asked her and hugged her

"This is the best day ever!! First, Big D is asking me out, then you-"

"Wait what?" Hannah caught me off and pulled away

"Donnie asked you out?" She asked, I blushed and looked away

"It's not a real date... It's a date pretened" I whispered out

"Pretened? You're confusing me" She told me, I sighed and looked at her again

"It's a secret mission of me and Big D, We're going to do a date pretened for it" I explained, Suddenly she smirked at me

"Ok come on" She said and pulled me with her

"Where are we going?" I asked

"To do a makeover, You need to look 100%" She told me

"Makeover? Forget it! I love myself" I told her and tried to escape

"Jude is going to do a makeover? Count me in!" Kevin suddenly screamed from the couch and ran after us, I sighed

"In one condition, I'll do a makeover if after that: Hannah will tell Leo she's pregnant and Kevin will confess that he's allergic to the sun" I told them

"You're pregnant?" Kevin asked Hannah and looked at her

"You're allergic to the sun?" She asked too and looked at him, Then they look back at me

"It's a deal" They said and started to work on me

8:30, Donnie POV:

I sighed and started to walk towards the lair exit to see Leo

"Where are you going Donnie?" He asked

"To Judy's house" I answered

"Have you seen Hannah? I can't find her anywhere and I'm worried" He said

"I don't know, Maybe she's in you guys' room" I said, Suddenly Hannah came out

"May I introduce you, To our dear friend, Judy O'neil" She said and gestured to the room of the guests, Kevin pulled someone after him

"C'mon Jude! You look awsome" He said and pulled hard, Judy almost tripped but ballanced and looked away, I froze

She's... marvelous, I just can't look away from her

Even her hair was Cap-Free now, and it was curley and pretty, And she had a makeup!!

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Even her hair was Cap-Free now, and it was curley and pretty, And she had a makeup!!

"Wow, You look good Judy" Leo said

"Thanks Leo, Are you ready Big D?" She asked and looked at me, I shook my head to make the thoughts go away

"Uh... Sure, Let's go" I said weakly and we both went off


"So where do you want to go Big D?" She asked me as we both walked around

"Uh... I planned something" I told her and kept staring at her

"Hey, You ok? You seemed to be tense" She told me

"I'm sorry, It's just that... How you look right now-"

"I know, I'm hideous, It was Hannah's and Kevin's idea" She cut me off

"No! You look beautiful" I conffessed, She looked at me shocked and slowly smiled

"Really...?" She asked and raised her sunglasses

"Really" I smiled back

"Oh, Here we are!" I suddenly said and climbed on the rooftops.

There stood the picnic that I made

"I know it's not a lot, and I'm sure that April won't like it" I said

"Are you kidding? It's awsome, April will understand, I mean! You were only able to make two watches for Leo and Raph because Leo needs it for Hannah, and Raph needs it for his dates with Ella, It's totally fine Big D" She reasured me, I nodded and we both sat down

"I hope you like pizza" I told her

"You're kidding right?" She asked with a smirk, I gave her a slice and we both started to eat

"So... What actually happened after your mother left?" I couldn't help but ask

"I'm sorry! It just came out-" She cut me off

"It's fine." She said, She took a deep breath and started

"She took her stuff and was about to leave, She said she'll get me and Kevin back and I'll be the first, When she was gone, New life started in the house, I started to take care of Kevin, Who was just a baby and my dad started to work as a scientist, He brought Sunny home so we can have a mother like figure and after a while we discovered that Kevin is-" She stopped talking

"Kevin is what Judy?" I asked her, She tried to think of something but then sighed

"Kevin is allergic to the sun" She said, I looked at her with shock

"The sun burns his skin, That's why we moved in here, So we can try and find him help" She said, So that's why Keving is dressing up like that

"Wow... I'm really sorry Judy" I told her

"It's fine Big D, I guess I had to talk with someone about that and besides, It's really cool to have someone like you around" She smirked and punched my arm playfully

"You're a really good friend" She said

"Thanks Judy..." For once my hand didn't bother me right after being punched, Suddenly my body tensed up

"What's wrong?" Judy asked

"Get behind me Judy, We're not alone" I told her

To be continued...

(Heya guys! How was that? I hope you like it, Please leave a comment and tell me what do you think, Love ya!)

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