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8:09 pm

I could hear Vanessa complaining about her stomach as Ethan and I made the girls the hot chocolate they claim they have been "craving"

"How you feeling dad?,"ethan tapped my shoulder walking pass me

"Exhausted," I answered honestly

"From what?," he questioned putting the pack of hot coco into the water

"So today bro-"I explained how we basically helped a parent find her child and he laughed

"Look at you saving people kids and shit," he shook his head

"Not gonna lie I'm feeling like the man right now,"I smiled

"Shut up,"Ethan laughed as we walked over to the family room and sat their drinks down

I watched as Nessa moved side to side on her yoga ball with her eyes closed, breathing in and out

"Are you alright V?,"Ethan looked at me and back at her with the same nervousness in his eyes as me

all of our mouths held wide open waiting for her to answer

"Contraction,"she finally let out

"This early in the pregnancy," I questioned

"Grayson she only have like 1 months and a half left," Veronica explained and Vanessa begged us to be quiet

"Sorry,"Roni whispered

I got on my knees applying pressure to her back and she let out a deep breath

"Mom!,"I yelled out and Ethan pushed me

"Shhh,"he held his finger to his lips

"What's going on?," she came out in her sleeping attire

"Vanessa is having contractions," I explained 

"Sweetheart are you okay,"my mom questioned

"Yeah,"her voice shaked

She gestured us to help her up and Ethan ran over helping me

She laid her head in my chest as we rocked back and forth breathing in and out

"Do you think she may have to go to the hospital," Ethan looked at my mom and my heart dropped

"Wait let's see how she's feeling in 10 minutes,"my mom nodded

"Are you okay,"I looked down at her as my arms wrapped lightly around her waist

"It hurts,"she said lowly

"what she say ?,"Veronica asked

"It hurts,"I repeated

I patted her hair out her face and I could hear her sniffing

"Go put on your clothes, I got her,"momma Lisa told me

I detached from her running to my room putting on my pants and shirt

"Come on bro,"Ethan peaked around my door frame already dressed

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