
996 26 11

Veronica <<

Mature content ahead

I fiddleed my fingers waiting in the line of a fairly fancy restaurant, Ethan agreed to meet me here instead of Denny's he felt he needed a more "quieter place to talk"

I looked down at my red dress wondering why I picked such a short dress, and down at my feet wondering why I choose such tall heels

I looked down at my red dress wondering why I picked such a short dress, and down at my feet wondering why I choose such tall heels

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"I'm looking for Ethan Dolan ?,"I asked and the waitress said nothing directing me to his table

I wiped my sweaty hands on my dress as I approached closer and closer to Ethan's table finally revealing his face as he looked up from the menu

His mouth formed a small o causing me to look down blushing

Despite our fusing, he still respects me and stood up helping me into my seat

I payed attention to the detail, smooth face, slicked hair,perfectly shaped eyes , but bags that was visible only if you squinted
Eyes traveling to the black silk material button up that he wore-he knows how I feel about solid color button ups.

black dress pants that fitted perfectly among his slim legs, with shoes I can only guess was new since they're glistening even under the dimed light.

That look, and This scenery gave me a vibe of a Italian mob scene where there's some random lady telling someone information, but on the low and then there's a shoot out and the guy helps the lady escape while shooting know what I mean ?

I slide in the booth and our eyes met, I gazed long and hard trying to read his expression but I couldn't, so I let my eyes linger else where body language

•Fiddling with fingers, as I did

•wiping his dripping palms on his pants , as I did

• staring at me when I wasn't looking, but as I turn to watch him he looked away far off in the distance, as I did

He's nervous, as I am

"Veronica ," he spoke just above a whisper

"Ethan,"I mumbled just below a whisper

Guilt could be heard all through my voice as I plead with my eyes instead of my words

"Why do you always do this v,"

"I know, I'm sorry," I whispered

"I would never do that to yo-look at me,"he cut himself off lifting my chin up

I looked at him and he looked directly in my eyes

"I wouldn't ever want to do something that would hurt you..understand me,"

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