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8 months later

I put a headband with a huge bow around adelyn's Head before planting small kisses on her cheeks causing her to have a out burst of laughter as her little dimples peaked

I ran my fingers through her naturally curly hair, I couldn't put my finger on where she gotten the curls from maybe my dad- you know in the past life before the Bolding- nevermind

She put the teething toy in her mouth although she had no teeth's coming in she just love chewing things, I picked her up as she looked passed my shoulders and back at the door that stood Infront of us

Maybe I should fill you in on something's since it's been a while

We're in progress of moving so my room is completely empty with the exception of my old bed because we needed a bigger and new one ,a few books and carryover things but it's a absolute sauna in our new place so there's no way I'm letting my baby sleep there which mean I've been sleeping in my parents guest room for the past few days with addy

As for my parents, they're taking it better than I thought I think it's so much of them knowing that since we had the baby we need personal space but yeah

I buckled in the squirmy baby, stuffed the last bit of things in the trunk before going over to the driver seat peacefully driving down a couple blocks before pulling up in front of two perfectly painted garage doors

Also maybe I should mention... WE BROUGHT A HOUSE

We did invest a lot into this but we got this

I held the car seat in one of my hands as I fiddled with the keys with the other before entering

A blast of cold air hit me in the face as I walked it busting a right moving around a bunch of boxes before the kitchen and family room was visual, "sign here please,"

the sears guy back was my view right now

"Thank you finally we have some place to fill food," I could hear Grayson fairly deep voice say

I chuckled to myself before sitting the car seat in the middle of the huge kitchen island as the guy brushed past me leaving

"Stinky," Grayson said lowering the car seat handle kissing all over her face as she very much laughed hysterically pushing him away

I fanned myself "finally we can sleep here"

He unbuckled her,smelling her "ew that's you stinka?,"

I took her from him quickly changing her diaper,holding her in my arms

By now Grayson vanished only to be found setting up the blockers so that Adelyn won't try crawling up the stairs or down them

I turned on the huge huge huge tv that was mounted way high up above the fireplace we had

I turned to word world sitting her on the floor

I wrapped my arms around Grayson waist as he admired the house, I could feel him tense up and he turned and I looked up at him wrapping my hands around his waist again

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