Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Practice

One Week Later ~ Friday night.

Kyoko and Ren hadn't seen each other after the end of their roles as the Heel siblings due to both of them having jobs that would cause them to not cross paths. Tonight was the only night they both had free to be together.

Kyoko was standing outside of Ren's apartment complex waiting for him to arrive. As every moment passed  the more nervous she was getting due to the main reason for them to be seeing each other.

"I hope he forgot about the whole practice kissing thing...That would be embarrassing even if it's better to practice so I don't get NGs when I have to do the real kiss with that baka Sho..." Kyoko was thinking to herself when a tall gentleman walked towards her.

"Good evening Mogami-san, I hope I didn't make you wait too long." Ren says nicely to her.

Kyoko looks up at the man in front of her with a smile, "Good evening Tsuruga-san, and no I just got here." She said lying, she had actually been waiting for about 30 minutes for him.

"Well then let's go inside." Said Ren while grabbing one of the grocery bags from Kyoko and walks away before she could start protesting.

As soon as they entered the apartment, Kyoko quickly goes to the kitchen to put away the groceries that she got for him, only leaving out what she needed to start making a chicken rice dish for them. As she has previously visited his apartment in the past, Kyoko had no issues locating items in the kitchen. She grabs a pot and a skillet from a cabinet and puts it on the stove, and begins  cutting the vegetables.

Ren felt it was for the best if he left Kyoko to her devices in the kitchen, but when he begins to walk to the couch in the living room he notices something on the floor beside the couch not that far from Kyoko's bag. He bends down and picks it up to see that it was the Box "R" script that contained the scene he was going to help Kyoko with after dinner. He takes a seat on the couch as he flips to the page that was tagged and begins to read as a smirk appears on his face. "Oh so that is what she needs to happen, this will be a fun practice." Ren thought to himself as he was getting excited for their practice to begin.


After they finished eating and the dishes washed and put away they went to sit on the couch with one on each end of the couch watching the TV. Suddenly, Ren turns the TV off and turns to Kyoko.

"Didn't you want to practice something?" Ren says with a smirk, then lifting up the script from the side table.

Kyoko gulps, "Where did you get that?"

"I found it on the floor, I guess it fell out of your bag," Ren shrugs, "Let's get started with what you need practice with." He smiles which makes Kyoko flinch.

Kyoko then nods knowing she couldn't get out of this, "That would be the kissing scene while demonstrating control over my prey..."

"Ok then let's get started with what's leading up to the kiss." Ren says as he gets up from the couch and goes to the clear area on the end of the living room which had access to a clear wall, if needed to be pushed up against it for the scene. He moves about a foot or two from the wall so there was space for her to push him against it.

Kyoko gets up as well and goes to the clear area facing Ren then closes her eyes, "I can do this..." Kyoko thought to herself then taking a deep breath and when she opens her eyes again she was now taken over by the spirit of Natsu.


Natsu smirks and takes one step towards Ren while he takes one step back hitting the wall behind him, "Am I not good enough Ichiro-senpai?" she puts a finger to her pouting lips.

Ren was already having difficulty keeping his composure. That one slight action could drive someone mad, "Well Kitazawa-san-" he was cut off by Natsu's hand that was placed onto his chest then slides up to his shoulder. That simple touch sent shockwaves all through Ren's body like his body was being charged up.

"Call me Natsu," she corrected, "if you would please."

Ren takes a deep breath then uses his hand trying to remove Natsu's from his shoulder, "Well Natsu, you're nice, smart, pretty...Its just..." He trails off staring into her golden eyes.

Natsu takes the opportunity of Ren's unmoving hand to move her hand off his shoulder grabbing his wrist and  places his arm  around her waist. "It's just?" she says sweetly and then moves her eyes to make it seem like she saw someone watching them but then focused her attention back to the man pinned to the wall, Natsu decided now to do what she wants.

Natsu moves her one hand to the back of Ren's head while her other hand goes to the collar of his shirt.

Ren felt as if he couldn't move on his own without her even kissing him yet.  He was trapped by her acting, along with being trapped by her eyes and her touch which had him almost completely at her mercy.

Natsu gets on her tippy-toes since her practice partner was taller than her, she pushes his head down with her hand and pulls on his collar, guiding his lips to hers. Once they touch it began getting passionate quickly as Natsu's tongue pushes against his lips asking for entrance but he tries to resist until her fingers intertwine around a few strands of hair and slightly pulls. He gives into the urge and the arm around her waist pulls her closer to him on impulse.

They were doing this  for a few minutes until Kyoko takes back control sending Natsu to the back of her consciousness, as she needed air she breaks the kiss and lowers her arms from Ren taking a step back breaking their embrace. She looks down with her cheeks now bright red even though she enjoyed the kiss she knew it was only for practice furthermore she knew Ren has kissed other girls during acts without having any feelings for them. She knew that there was no way someone like him, the most desirable man would ever have any interest in a girl like her. When she finally found her voice she spoke, "H-how was that Tsuruga-san?"

Ren was breathless for a second after the kiss ended as he didn't expect this girl to be that good at kissing then noticed that she moved out of his embrace and he was really trying to regain his composure when he heard Kyoko speak, also not wanting to give into his wants to pull her back into his arms and kiss her all over. "It was good Mogami-san..." he says trying to hide any hint of jealousy from his voice since he knew that someone else would have the pleasure of feeling her lips.

Kyoko looks up at Ren and smiles, "Um I-I would like to practice one more time if that's ok Tsuruga-san..." she says nervously as she thinks he will say no.

Ren nods not trusting his own voice, he felt that even if Kyoko didn't see him as more than just a senpai, he was still blessed that he had the honour of being the one she was practicing this scene with.


They practiced one more time with Ren still ending up being controlled by her. He was surprised since it has been a while since anyone was able to make him act the way they wanted him to.  The kiss itself was a little bit more passionate this time around as some of Kyoko's own inner feelings unwillingly came through in her acting as Natsu.

After their practice session was finish and  it was still a little early for Ren to take Kyoko back to the Darumaya for the night, the two decide to continue watching some more TV and talk about small things like their schedules.

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