Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: Why Here?

It was the morning of the day the cast of 'Love and War' would be moving to Kyoto, and they were all told to meet in front of the studio at 10 o'clock to await the bus.

Kyoko was standing outside of the studio with her suitcase in front of her well she was deep in thought when suddenly an arm goes around her waist from behind, and she lets out a slight scream but then heard the chuckling behind her, "Tsuruga-san that wasn't nice." She pouts.

Ren chuckles and moves his arm from her waist as he goes in front of Kyoko, "I am sorry Princess, allow me to show you just how sorry I truly am."

Kyoko giggled at how Ren was acting but decided to go with the act. "You may Warrior."

Ren smirks as he leaned down to her and was about to kiss her when they were being called by the other cast to board the bus, so he groans and straightens up. Deep down he was happy that Lory had given Yashiro other work to do well he was away on-location or else he would be teased.

Kyoko had a feeling of what Ren was going to do but just thought it was a part of the act, but she giggles when they were called, "You may show your apology later." She smiles at her tall co-star then walks to the bus.

Ren smirks as he follows Kyoko to the bus, "You have no idea how much I want to show you Kyoko." He thought to himself.


The travel from Tokyo to Kyoto was a long one but well Kyoko fell asleep in her seat, Ren was thinking about the scene that his character and hers will meet that shoots the next day, so he thought that after that scene he should confess his feelings to her. When they arrive, everyone gets out of the bus and go into the Ryokan except for Kyoko who remains outside looking down.

Ren noticed something wasn't right when he saw that Kyoko wasn't going into the Ryokan with the others, so he walks over to her and stands in front of her, "Kyoko is everything alright?"

Kyoko doesn't look up to the man in front of her, "Everything is alright." She says obviously lying.

Ren puts his hand under her chin and lifts it to look up so Kyoko would look at him, "Kyoko, please tell me the truth I want to help you." He says smiling at her.

Kyoko looks at Ren knows he always was there to help when she needed someone, "Ren, this Ryokan was where I was abandoned by my mother when I was 6 years old, I worked here as well from the age of 6 till I ran away to Tokyo."

Ren can see her pain in her eyes from remembering the event as well as telling him, so he removes his hand from her chin and puts his other arm around her waist pulling her into his embrace, he whispers to her. "Everything will be ok Kyoko, there might be bad memories here, but nothing can get you here now." Ren then kisses the top of her head.

Kyoko smiles at hearing Ren's voice and being close to him brought her comfort allowing her to relax and she puts her arms around Ren, "Thank you, Ren."

Little did the two know not far someone was standing in the shade under a tree watching them. The person clenches his fists in pure anger and despise. " This can't happen, I just have to discourage her so that man won't get her, and so she will be broken that he won't ever want her and if that doesn't work then I will make her stop seeing that pretty boy as well as prevent her from wanting to act ever again with some persuasive reinforcement. " The person smirks as he goes back into the Ryokan towards a room where a couple was in.


Later that night Kyoko was in her room laying on top of her bed reading the script for the next scene that she was doing the next afternoon which was when Kyoko's role meets Ren's role.

A knock starts at her door, so she puts down the script and gets up off the bed to walk to the door, "who could that be at this hour? Ren went back to his room hours ago, so there is no reason for him to come back to talk to me again..." She thought to herself.

When she opens the door, she sees a guy with blonde hair in ripped black jeans and a red shirt standing in front of the door and automatically know who it is and really didn't want to see him or deal with him, so she crosses her arm over her chest looking annoyed. "Why are you here Shotaro..."

Sho groans, "This is my parent's Ryokan, Idiot...I have a right to be here whenever I want to be."

Kyoko rolls her eyes, "I am fully aware of that but why did you come to my room at this hour..."

"My parents want to talk to you in their room..." Sho says looking at Kyoko trying to keep his mind off how beautiful she had become as well as her well-figured body that didn't look like a flat board anymore.

Kyoko sighs, "Fine I'll go talk to them..." She really didn't want to speak to them as she had a bad feeling about it also knowing for a few years she never contacted them or anything.


As they were walking down towards the room the Fuwa couple used for their room, Kyoko has a building feeling inside her that something wasn't right about this. She was also wondering how Sho would have known she would be there at this time without him keeping tabs on her but didn't think he would be doing that. Something else come to her head was that Sho would never visit his parents from the thought that they would try to make him come back and take over, so she knew something wasn't right at all.

Sho was walking behind Kyoko smirking, "This better work like I have planned to teach her a lesson that she will never be better than me or I will have to try harder and do worse things to knock her down."

Once Kyoko and Sho enter the room they see the Fuwa couple sitting in the middle, and they didn't look very happy. Kyoko goes to sit in front of them and greets them with a bow as Sho stays standing in the back with a big smirk on his face waiting for all hell to go loose.

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