Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Back to Acting

It has been 4 days since the Actors/Actresses of the movie had met due to Director Konoe having important matters to deal with mainly about the arrangements for the on-location shooting and to be able to get the studio in the area, so they won't have to travel back and forth to Tokyo. Another thing that came up was the day they would have met back was the day Julie had to leave for her modelling runway show which caused the leading 3 people to be unable to make the shooting. Ren couldn't see his mother off at the airport since he still had to keep his secret from Kyoko, but Kuu planned something which included taking Kyoko somewhere to give Ren at least 2 hours alone with Julie for him to attempt to make up for him being gone for many years also to say his goodbye.

In that 2 hour time frame Ren dropped his exterior to act like his real self, so Kuon got to tell his mother that he loves her a lot also that he was very sorry about leaving when he was 15 years old. Julie was able to forgive her son for him leaving but asked him to call her every once and a while, so she knows that he was ok. Kuon agreed to her request at it was the least he could do for the pain he had caused her over the years also since he wasn't ready to go back to see her as his real self just yet. When the time was almost up Julie hugs her son for the last time, and before she left for her flight, she asked one last thing of her son which she knew that Kuon wouldn't ever refuse which was asking him to look after Kyoko since Julie already thought of that girl as her own daughter. Kuon kissed his mother on the forehead and agreed to her request before watching her board the plane.


After that 4 day break, all the Actors/Actresses regrouped in the studio all dressed in their costumes waiting on the Director to show up as they were informed he was just running a little late by one of the cameramen.

Ren enters the studio wanting to go talk to Kyoko first, but when he spotted the girl in her warrior Princess outfit, she had 2 men by her. One was Kijima Hidehito who was playing Sen, the leader of the warriors and friend of Seika, and the other guy was Marasame Taira who was playing Ukon, a Prince from another land that is betrothed to Princess Anysia who only wanted the Princess for control over her land and planned to kill her after marriage for the power also was in love with the Princess Anysia's servant that is played by Kotonami Kanae.

Ren just watched those two talking and flirting with her which was boiling up his jealousy, but his jealousy was going to make him act irrationally, but then he felt a tap on his shoulder, so he turns to see a man that looked like a King knowing it was none other than Kuu.

"Your jealousy is showing again..."Kuu says to his son in a whisper.

"I am fully aware of that." Ren whispers back with an angry tone in his voice.

Kuu sighs, "If you lose your cool in front of her, all your work to get her would have meant nothing so calm down...anyways she won't go for either of those men."

Ren chuckles, "I guess you might be right Hizuri-san."

Kuu doesn't say a word but smirks, "When aren't I right son?" he thought to himself.


Director Konoe arrives in the studio with a smile as if they could do all the scenes they need to get done with Kuu then they will be in a great place to travel to where most of the filming will have to take place due to the natural beauty of where they would be travelling to.

"Good morning will be a long day to catch up to where we need to be before moving to the primary shooting location." Director Konoe says, but he knows that the beginning of the film was mainly computer graphics that was finished a day ago, but he still had to get the narration completed, but that would have to wait till a little later.

All Actors/Actresses nodded their understanding about it being a long day knowing there would be quite a few scenes that would need to be done. Konoe calls for Kuu and Marasame to get onto the set for the first scene well the others move to the sidelines as most were standing except for Kyoko and Ren who had a chair set up for them.

"ACTION!" Director Konoe yelled once Kuu and Marasame were in their positions.


King Kano was sitting on his throne in the grand hall as he normally did when a man walks in, "Who goes there!" The King yells with a warrior that was stationed to guard him standing beside him.

The man looked at the King to notice there was the empty throne beside him acknowledging it was best that the Princess wasn't there so the man bows, "Your Majesty, I am Prince Ukon of Sparta, your southern enemy, but I came here today with a proposition for you."

King Kano straightens in his throne as the Prince of his land's enemy has never set foot in his castle ever since the event 12 years ago that left the land in sadness and pain, "What is your proposition Prince Ukon..."

Prince Ukon doesn't look up to the King before speaking, "I offer a treaty between our two lands but only if you grant my proposal to be betrothed to your daughter, Princess Anysia."

King Kano tightens his hands on the armrests of his throne, "Why do you want my daughter?" He says with a tinge of anger in his voice.

Prince Ukon stands straight to look up to the King, "Well King Kano if you haven't noticed your daughter's beauty mirrors the one of the Goddess Aphrodite and mirrors the wisdom of the Goddess Athena." He pauses before speaking again, "Think of your people, what is worth more the safety of them or your Warrior Princess."

King Kano knew what he has to do and looks at the Prince. "You may have my betrothal to my daughter." He felt defeated but knew his people's safety was more important.

Prince Ukon bows, "Thank you, your Highness." He raises and walks out of the room with a smirking which no one could see. "You fool, none of your people will be safe..." He says to himself walking down the castle steps.

King Kano gets up out of his throne, "How can I break this news to her." He says walking to the side and out a doorway which leads offset.


"Cut!!" Director yells once Kuu walks off the scene. "That scene was perfect Hizuri-san and Murasame-kun."

Both Kuu and Marasame bow their heads and says thank you to the Director before they walked back the sidelines as the scene was being changed to the one of Princess Anysia's room.

Director looks over to the side where everyone was seated, "Ok can I get the actors for the next scene on set."

Kyoko, Kuu, and Kanae move from their spots and heads onto the set and position themselves in their spots for the shot, well Kyoko turned herself into her character right when she stepped on the set but her last thought before becoming completely taken over by Anysia was, "Now it's time to impress Father with my acting skills."

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