Chapter One: Genius Wears a Pink Unicorn Onesie...

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There are many different combinations of 5 words that we all never want to hear.

Exhibit A: We are getting a divorce.

Exhibit B: We have no more food.

(The worse combo, in my opinion.)

But there's always that one moment, the one you never thought would come to you..


Let's start from the beginning.

It was a beautiful Monday morning; the sun was shining, the birds were singing - 

- and queue the scratch record..

Let me start again.

It was a horrible Monday morning; the stupid sun was shining through my open window, blinding me and, oh yeah, the crows were just itching to wake everyone up with their endless and wiry "AHHH! AHHHH! AHHHHHH!"

I had just woken up to the sound of my convenient and naturally amazing alarm (the crows), when my phone suddenly blared, at full volume.


Inevitably, I rolled off the edge of my tiny, single bed and landed face - first on the floor. The hard, solid UNcarpeted floor. 

Taking my pink unicorn onesie off, since I was boiling in this thing, I crawled to the other side of my room and answered the call. 

"Hello? Wh-who is this?" 

"Morningggg, sleepy head! Rizzze andd shiiine, sweetcheeks!"

"Muuuum," I groaned, rubbing my sore face.

"Chéri, you must, must, MUST get ready for school, right now!!"

I turned down the call volume and asked, "Ugh, but why?? It's only - " I paused to look at the time, " - oh, shhhh..shivers!! It's already 10!"

From the other end of the line, I heard a dramatic sigh.

"Why didn't you wake me earlier, Mum?!" I demanded, almost shouting into the phone.

"Calm down, chéri, I just didn't want to wake you. You know my shift at the new hospital starts at 6 now, and they are very, very strict on their nurses taking breaks," Mum explained.

I groaned again and quickly ended the call.

* 5 minutes later *


Hey, if you're home alone, and you're already an hour late to school, you might as well wait til Lunchtime to go to that hellish place, right? Not to mention, turn your music on full volume, grab a brush and start dancing and singing like there was no one looking. Which, in my case, is true! 

Chuckling at my genius plan and taking my music (or phone) with me, I slid down the rails and landed lightly on both feet at the bottom. 

Hmmmm... what to eat, what to eat.. ZAT is daaa million dollarrr question, today, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!

I opened the cupboards above my head.


I opened the pantry.


I opened the cupboards that were on ground - level.

STILL nothing.

Praying to the dear Lord that we still have food, preferably junk food, I made my way to the fridge. 

"This is it, this is the one... Come onnnnn.."

I opened the fridge.


Ever so slowly.

I could almost smell that amazing - 

Rum cake??


I slammed the fridge door in frustration and instead ordered pizza. Hawaiian 4 Life!

Spending the next couple of hours with my only best friends: Netflix, Wifi and of course, my favourite, My Phone, I eventually decided that I might as well start getting reading for my 'fashionably late entrance', as my mum (embarrassingly) puts it.

* Half an hour later *

"I am so, so sorry, Monsieur, I had a dentist appointment, then my mum's old car broken down in the middle of a busy road and - " 

I was cut short by a couple of sniggers from my all time, absolute, favourite people in the school... (Please, notice the sarcasm, if you haven't already.)

"Arianna et Marie!" 

Merci beaucoûp, Monsieur!

He glared at them, which of course made them instantly... how do I put this? Oh yeah, it made them.. Shut. Up. 

I took this opportunity to grab a seat; away from my mortal enemies, my childhood bullies, my nemesis twins, my rivals -

Oh, you get it? Okay, then.

Basically, those horrible twins made my life a living hell. Or, at least, a thousand times worse than it was before.

* Flashback *

"Arianna, Marie, stop it! Please!" I begged, giggling, helplessly. "This is so unfair!"

They just tickled me harder, happily laughing at me.

"Nette, you know we love seeing you like this!" 

"Arianna, maybe we should stop," Marie suggested.

And they burst out laughing.

"Please stop! I'll.. do.. any.. anyth-th-thingg!" I managed to say, in between my uncontrollable laughter.

"Okay, I dare you to go up to  Hanson and tell him you like him then," Arianna quickly told me.

The twins stepped away, waiting for my reply, which was, "No! No way! Nah - uh! Nope, nope, never!"

They took one step closer.

"Okay, I changed my mind, I'll do it!"

* End of Flashback *

Ah, yes, those were the good old days. 

You see, we used to be inseparable. Together  24/7; before, during and after school. All the way from Kindy, actually.

Unfortunately, we didn't last.

Even up to today, I still have no clue what happened to us. I just woke up one day and * BOOM *, they hate me. 

I tried everything! Asking, (politely and not so politely) sending them cards, chocolate, even begging them to tell me what happened between us. 

All they did was glare at me. 

Every. Single. Time. 

They turned around in sync and just walked away. Away from me, and out of my life.

But, that was before.. around, maybe, oh I don't know.. two? Three? Probably four or five years ago?..

Now, they just hate my guts. And they are not afraid to show it, trust me.

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