Chapter Three: Well, this is News. Bad news.

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Antionette's POV:

I knew Mondays are the worst part of the week, but this particular one seems to be dragging on forever.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Oh, for the love of - 

"Ms D'Airelle!"

"Yes, Monsieur?" I quickly replied, whipping my head back around.

"Iz there somezing so, so interezting with za clock, zat you 'ave payed absolutely nò attenzzi-yon to my clazz??"

"N-no, Monsieur."

"Are you zure about zat??"

"Ouí, Monsieur."

"Très bien," he replied, but only an idiot would miss the sarcasm in his voice.

I nodded and focused extra hard on whatever he was drawling on about. Needless to say, I zoned out only after a couple minutes.

Luckily, someone had my back. Literally.

"Ow!" I hissed.

"Lo siento, you were drifting off!"

I turned around and saw my best friend, Yvonne.

"Gracias," I told her.

"De nada."

Oh yeah, did I mention that she was half Spanish, half German and half French?

Hang on, that's three halves... 


She was born in Spain, but she lived in Germany for the first half of her life with her mum, then moved here, to París, with only her Spanish dad (and without her mum) when she turned 8.

*Sighs*, boy I wish my life was as awesome as hers. But nope, all there is to it is that I'm from the Philippines, and never been there in my life, since I was born and raised here.


"You free after escuela?"

(Yes, I know Spanish. Well, just a bit.)

"Si, see you at your locker."

We were in different classes, except for first period, which is just our bad luck. Unfortunately, her schedule is totally different from mine too, which means she has Lunch and Recess at different times, 'coz I'm in the advanced classes. 

Yes, I'm that stereotypical nerd. 

But at least, I'm not bullied.

Oh wait, I am. I hate those twins.

Speak of the devils...

"Oh mon Dieu!"

"Je connais!"

I internally sighed. I wondered what it was about this time.

"Did you see how hotttt Hanson was earlier?"

"Oui, oui! He's soo smart," Arianna  fan- girled.

I ignored the very tempting use of my fist. To meet her oh-so-perfect face. (Insert sarcasm).

The twins noticed me clenching and unclenching my fist and upped their fan girling. Wow.

"I think that singlet looks soo goood on him!"

"Oui, oui! His jeans made that a** look fiiine!" Arianna smirked at me, while she said this.

Rolling my eyes at them, I quickened my pace -

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