Chapter 5: Meet the Older Brother

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Sometimes I really wish I was the older twin. Arianna's only older than me by not even 30 seconds, yet she acts like she's a couple of years older than me. 

"Get my bag, Marie!"

"Go get me a chocolate frappucino, Marie!"

"Stop liking Hanson, Marie!"

She's like a dictator!

Arianna suddenly clicks her fingers in front of my face, saying, "Hellooo? Earth to Marie!"

"Huh, what?"

"I was just telling you that I'm going to Gretchen's place later, tell notre mère that I'll be sleeping there tonight as well," she explains, annoyed that I wasn't listening.

"But - "

Before I could tell her that notre mère wouldn't let her do that, she raises her right hand and points to her phone.

"Hey, Gretch! Yeah, the catch up's on. Of course Mère let me sleepover, no problem."

I sighed. Guess it's up to me to cover for her. Again.

At least it was finally home time. We always get picked up by our older brother; Graham. He lived in Darwin, Australia until he could afford his own place, then Mère gave him a plane ticket to here, Paris. 

Basically, we're a split family and he stayed with... Dad until just recently. (I don't call him Père, since he left us at the age of 3, and took our older brother with him.) Graham told me that he decided to leave Darwin because the house was sold, so that Dad's step - family and him could move into a larger house. He mentioned a few times that he really hated them, they were a big family; three sisters, one pair of fraternal twins and 2 brothers. 

So Graham decided at the age of 18 to move to Paris, since he really missed us and Dad seemed to completely forget about him. We only came over to visit him every 3 years, since Mère and Dad really don't get along and tend to argue each time they see each other. He's 21 now, studying medicine at the top University in Paris. I think he'll be an awesome doctor, he cares alot about people, the proof is how much he shows he cares about Arianna and I (though I'm obviously his favourite twin, he hasn't old Arianna about Dad's step family yet).

After waiting for a few minutes, a sleek black Lamborghini Aventador pulled up at the school gates. As usual, the Seniors crowded around our ride home; mostly girls who were gushing over the driver. 

Personally, I think the car's alot more attractive than my brother, but that's to be expected. I mean, it's a Lamborghini! (In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a huge fan of beautiful cars. When I was little, I would always ask for toy cars, while Arianna was playing with Barbie dolls.)


"Marie, how's my little sister going?" he greeted, hugging me.

Arianna already went inside the car, slamming the door.

"Yeah, the usual. Arianna's still bossing me around."

"Don't let her get to you, you know she just wants attention," Graham laughed.

"Do I sit in the passenger seat, like always?" I asked.

"Nope, the passenger seat is taken, lil sis."

"By who?"

"You'll see."

I skipped to the other side of the car and opened the door. Almost immediately, a giant ball of fluff jumped at me. Luckily, my reflexes worked well and caught it.

Slobber. Slobber everywhere. On my face, on my plain black hoodie. Just everywhere.

"Ruff! Ruff!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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