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A/N Yo peeps! Sorry dat alles zo lang duurt maar hier is het eindelijk: Deel twee! Sorry als je slecht bent in Engels en het niet kan lezen. Dit is een verhaal dat te maken heeft met het boek. Ik ben trouwens bezig met het schrijven van dit verhaal maar ik heb een ander verhaal die voor gaat. Daar zit ik helaas een beetje vast. Voor dit verhaal ga ik geen vast uploadpatroon gebruiken omdat ik heb gemerkt dat dat veel te stressend is. Ik ga zo snel mogelijk bezig met het verhaal. Ik hoop dat het verhaal klopt en verbeter me als je foutjes ziet! Veel plezier!

344 woorden

There once was a boy named Will. William actualy, but that doesn't matter. Will didn't have a mother, she died when he was a baby. His father had died fishing in the storm. When that happened, he was six years old. He lived in the orphanage since then. One day, the headmisstress called to himf. "William," she said. She always called him with his full name. "I have taken care of you for five years. It's time you find a job. You are of age now, so i expect you go into town first thing tomorrow. When you find a job, you have to move out." He went into town the next day. Adventualy he found a job in the local pub. The pub was small, with a few rooms for guest, and Will stayed in one of them, thanks to the kind bartender. He worked there for a good two years. One day he overheard the talks of a man who'd clearly had a glass to many. He started telling stories of treasure, sirens and magical objects. As the man told more and more, Will got more more interested. At the end of the evening the man told the young men listening to his story that he needed crew members for his journey to the treasure. The men turned him down, knowing of the dangers of the sea and it's creatures. Will, not knowing of that, told the man he wanted to go with him. With his money and belongings he joined the man on his ship. The man was named Bill Black. He was captain of the ship, and he had a son named Christian who was around his age. His crew was small, and a lot of young men were on the ship. Cristian's best friend was named Jonathan, and Christian, Jonathan and Will immediately got along really well. They had a lot of fun togethrr while Bill and his crew were doing preperations for the journey. Once they were done, the ship left the bay towards the adventure ahead of it.

A/N Sorry weer een note, dat je het weet, als je het niet snapt, het wordt in het boek ook ongeveer uitgelegd. Ciao koekies!

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