The Mates?

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Two years later:Beacon Hills

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Two years later:
Beacon Hills.
I was seventeen. I had been through a lot more than most teenagers, but I had made it out alive. Now I was facing a fear that I'd had since a young age. Beacon Hills, California. My old home.
I snarled and pounced on the other werewolf, prying him off of Scott McCall. He threw me off and I crashed into a wall, destroying it.
"Agh...damnit." I hissed.
Scott sent the omega running.
"Who's he?" A girl asked sharply. I realized she meant me.
I staggered to my feet.
"I guess I look a lot different from the fourth grade." I remarked.
Scott stared at me, and so did Stiles Stilinski, the sheriffs son who reminded me of Caroline.
Scott reminded me of me, honestly.
Scott's jaw dropped.
"Theo?" He asked.
I smirked. "Yep."
I sat in history class, half bored to death. I'd already learned this crap.
I eased the pain of boredom by staring at a certain, handsome teen werewolf who was in the McCall pack. His name was Liam Dunbar.
Yes, I was gay. Well, actually I was bisexual, but it didn't matter to me.
This one, however, had caught my eye and I was determined to have him.
As the bell rang, I approached him. "You're Scott's beta, aren't you?" I asked with a classic Mikaelson smirk.
I inherited it from my uncles. He glared at me but nodded.
"And you're the guy that randomly appeared and saved his life." It wasn't a question.
I shrugged. "I've gotten used to it. Saving people." I said offhandedly.
He scowled and stalked away. He would be a tough catch.
I walked outside for lunch.
"Theo!" A male voice yelled. "Jeremy! Hey man!"
I high-fived my best friend as he ran up to me. "What are you doing here?" I grinned.
Jer shrugged. "Getting away from the drama. I didn't know you were here."
He wore an goofy grin.
"Well I wasn't really supposed to leave.." I pointed out.
My dad and uncle had been firmly against my move.
"Were any of us supposed to leave?" Jer asked. "Good point." I shrugged.
We both laughed. "It's good to see a familiar face." Jer commented. "Especially when it's your best friend." I grinned cheekily.
He elbowed me playfully.
"You're so stuck up." He remarked.
I gave him a look. "I'm my mother's child. Of course I'm stuck up." I smirked.
He rolled his eyes.
I saw Liam and his friend walking across the yard.
I drank in his tall, lean frame and his ruffles hair, his beautiful smile... I think I was in love.
"Okay, who is he?" Jer broke me out of my thoughts with a knowing look.
I shook my head. "Who is who?" I asked quickly.
"The boy you're staring at." He pressed.
I sighed.
"I think he's my mate...his name is Liam." I replied, still watching the boy.
"You look lovestruck...he's totally your mate." Jeremy declared.

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