Chapter 4

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The above image is Scarlett

Undergoing Intense Revisions

Nissa led the young hunter out the door, and into the hallway beyond. She didn't look at him as she spoke. "Come. We have someone to see before we talk." He followed her in silence. She set off down the hallway, and in less than a minute was standing beside the door to Sebastian and Scarlett's room. Opening it, she motioned for Ayden to follow her.

As soon as he was through the door, his eyes shot to where the small family was sitting on the bed, talking. He turned to Nissa, "The father and daughter that we followed here?"

She nodded. "Yes. This is Sebastian and his daughter Scarlett." Upon hearing their names, the two looked up from their conversation and saw Nissa standing there unharmed. Sebastian seemed relieved, but his daughter was another story: her face showed only pure hatred. Nissa explained, "The Hunters attacked, but they were unable to harm me. This is their leader, Ayden. There is nothing to worry about at the moment, so I have come to let you out of your cell for the night."

She grabbed the key from its place on the chair beside the door and proceeded to unlock the door. The two humans walked out from their cell gratefully, which she closed and locked behind them. "Let's go into the parlor."

They walked in silence until they came to the room in question, whereupon Nissa sat the father and daughter in nearby chairs, while she herself sat with the hunter on the couch. Turning to Ayden she said, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but as of yet I can't bring myself to be outside three feet from you, as I don't find you trustworthy."

He mumbled under his breath, "The feeling is mutual, believe me." He stared at the floor for a time, before his eyes began to drift around the room. He was silent until his eyes landed upon something in the doorway he just couldn't stand. In a fit of rage he turned on Nissa, "Are you just going to leave Jack like that, or what?"

She looked toward the doorway, where the other hunter — Jack's — body still lay. Sebastian and Scarlett followed her gaze.

Scarlett almost vomited, and fell out of her chair. Sebastian looked at Nissa in disgust. "You killed him?"

She shrugged. "Hey, I had to get their attention somehow; I couldn't control them all without getting a little blood spilled in the process. Besides, I told you how the law works. What did you think I'd do when they attacked me?"

"I don't know, spare their lives like you did mine?!"

Nissa sighed. "I only killed one of them. The other five I spared." She looked at him, at the outrage on his face, and added, "I will hear no more of this. You may leave, but do not exit the house. If you do, an alarm will sound, and you will face a far greater punishment than Jack did. Now go, and leave us." Knowing a dismissal when he saw one, Sebastian balled up his fists, nodding tensely, and picked his daughter up off the floor. They turned, and were gone within moments.

As soon as they were out of hearing distance, Ayden turned to the vampiress. "You're just going to let them have free reign of your home? What kind of vampire are you?"

She smirked. "I know one will keep the other in line, and the death of your companion, Jack, will be more than enough to scare them into staying inside the house. It isn't as stupid a move as you might think." She waved his objections aside. "Now, what is it you wished to speak with me about?"

His eyes were locked on Jack's body, and his voice wavered for the first time as he spoke. "Can we at least move away from his body?"

"No, I think it reminds you of what your fate could be in a moment's notice if you try anything."

The Lonely VampiressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora