Chapter 6

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Hey guys. Sorry this is so late. I've had a bunch of AP homework to do, and, well, you know how it is. The life of a high school senior. :P

Anyway, thanks so much for your understanding. Enjoy!

(Also, the above image is of Nissa when she steps into the sun)

Undergoing Intense Revisions


The brothers' eyes were on Nissa as she walked over to a small stone fireplace in the corner and pushed in one of the stones on its surface. A loud grumbling noise came from the fireplace and its stone slab floor slid away to reveal a long staircase leading deep underground. "After you." She said, smiling slightly. Ayden looked once to his brother, then descended the stone steps into the chilly air. His brother unwillingly followed him, a look of frustration on his face. As soon as they were all through, she pressed another stone on the side of the passage and it closed, sealing them inside.

There was no light, and she watched amused for a few minutes as the two hunters fumbled around in the dark. Eventually, she grew bored of this and turned on a switch on the wall. Instantly, artificial candles along the walls flickered to life, dimly lighting the damp hallway. Ayden and his brother turned to look at her, and she smiled. Making eye contact with Ayden's brother, she said, her eyes dilating, "You may speak now. No one can hear."

He cautiously opened his mouth, not trusting her word. "I..." He said tentatively. Then, stronger, he glared at her and said, "Do I have control of my body now too, or is that still taken from me?"

"You will earn that back in time. However, for the time being, I won't let you have the chance to run." He opened his mouth to protest, but quickly closed it again upon remembering that she could take his voice away. She motioned for them to continue, and they walked on in silence.

Eventually, Ayden's brother mustered up the courage to say, "Where are you taking us, vampire?"

"To another home of mine, where no one will find us." Nissa smiled at him, amused. "And it is rather rude not to call someone by their name. I am not called 'vampire,' you know. My name is Narcissa. What's yours?"

His eyes widened, and his heart began to beat faster. "As in..."

A slow smile spread across her face. "Yes. That Narcissa." She stepped closer to him, and he stumbled away. "I ask again: what is your name?" He was silent. "Your name, hunter. I will not ask again." She spoke softly, but her eyes flashed her voice was frost. With one of her long fingers she lifted his chin up so his eyes met hers.

He stared at her, eyebrows furrowed, and whispered, "Why are you doing this?"

Nissa sighed. "Just answer the question."

"Why don't you answer mine first? I'd rather not let you have the pleasure of knowing the name of the man you're about to kill."

"I'm not going to kill you. The only reason I want to know your name is so I can stop calling you 'Hunter' and saying 'hey you' every time I need to get your attention. Is that too much to ask?"

"Yes. Yes, it is." He smirked, looking at her.

Nissa glared at him. "I'd watch your tone if I were you."

"But you aren't me. I can do whatever I want, because, as you just said, you won't kill me. You need me for my blood."

A cruel smile formed on her lips. "Yes, I won't kill you, but when we get to the surface, I am certainly not opposed to killing the first innocent I come across. Violently. You forget, I have done it before."

His joking grin disappeared from his face in an instant. "Please, don't. I didn't mean what I said. I was being stupid, and I didn't think." She said nothing. "Look, my name's Kendrick." He grasped her arm, looking into her eyes.

Nissa looked him once over with an appraising eye, before calmly and firmly saying, "I accept that you did not think." Kendrick's hopes lifted slightly. "But you will not address me in that way again. Don't take my generosity and forgiveness for granted." He nodded, eyes downcast, and after a minute or so they resumed walking down the tunnel.

Nearly half an hour passed before Nissa stopped the hunters with a hand. They looked to her, questions on their faces. "Not long from now, we will reach the surface. Once there, do not think yourselves free. We will pass mortals, but if you speak with them or ask for help in any way, I will fulfill my earlier threat, and I will not hesitate to do so. Do you understand?"

"We understand," Kendrick said. Ayden nodded his assertion. Nissa looked to them once, before motioning for them to continue walking.

The sun wasn't directly overhead when the hunters and vampiress stepped out into the light. Nissa thought it had to be around one, maybe two in the afternoon, but no later. Her appearance transformed in the sunlight, her eyes becoming more brown than black, her dark red lips a more subtle hue, her paper-white skin a more pale or average complexion, her red corset a jet black form-fitting tank top, and her black leggings a pair of ripped jeans. Ayden, who had never before witnessed her transformation, stood just outside the tunnel, staring. "You look... human. How is it possible that the sun doesn't affect you?"

Kendrick chimed in with a smile, "Yes. I'd like to know that too, Lizzie."

His brother threw him a questioning look, but Nissa answered, "As you know, I am the first vampire. Ever since I was turned I have been gifted the ability to walk in the sun. My tolerance for the sun's rays is given to those vampires born into my bloodline, though the tolerance my descendents have for the sun is far more limited than my own. And those vampires who are not born, but turned, show little tolerance for the sun at all. I don't know why this is the case. Perhaps it is because I was turned not by a vampire but by a dark sorcerer." She paused. "But I will not discuss this with you now. Come." Turning, Nissa walked toward a black 2017 Ford Fusion which was parked nearby. "Ayden, you will drive and your brother will get in the backseat."

They did as she commanded, and she slid into the backseat beside Kendrick, who kept his gaze firmly fixed out the window to his right. Ayden looked to her, and she nodded. He pushed the keys in the ignition, and pressed the 'start' button. The engine roared to life, and headlights illuminated the area around the car. He looked to Nissa for instruction, which she provided. "Straight ahead of us is a dirt path. It's narrow, but wide enough for the car to go through if you proceed carefully. In a short distance, the road will fork, and you will go right. You will then continue along that road, which will eventually turn into a paved road. If you continue straight, you'll eventually come to a four-way stop, which you will turn left at. For around ten minutes (if you obey the speed limits that is) you'll stay on that road, and then take a right near an old cemetery. Around five miles down that road, you'll come to a small motel on your right. Park in one of the spaces provided and wait for further instructions." He nodded, and began to drive.

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