Chapter 10

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Undergoing Intense Revisions

Nissa was up from her chair in an instant, and walked out from the study just in time to see Silas dragging an unconscious young girl with long brown hair and striking green eyes into the room. She would've helped the poor young thing if not for fear of igniting an argument with her sister. So she bided her time through fake smiles and a cheery facade. "Talia! Welcome home, and of course I missed you. Who is this you brought with you?"

A dangerous gleam entered her sister's eyes, and she said, "Oh no one really. Just some entertainment for the evening I thought you might enjoy. To remind you of the good old days."

"Oh how wonderful! She looks absolutely delectable. Have you two eaten yet?"

"We were actually in the middle of eating some pretty tasty street urchins in a nearby town when this bitch decides to walk into our alley. She opens her mouth to scream, but of course we had to stop her before she could. We knocked her out, and brought her here. She'll probably be waking up soon."

Nissa rubbed her hands together. "I hope so! But what would your neighbors think if they heard her scream?"

Talia shrugged it off. "Oh they don't care." Tapping the wall, she added, "Besides, these are soundproof. No one's gonna be hearing a thing."

They moved to the couch, where Talia attached a chain Nissa hadn't noticed before, along with a large iron collar, to the poor girl's neck. A short while later, Talia said, "Oh, good, she's waking up." Looking around, she asked, "But where are your little pets?"

"My hunters? They're just sleeping in the back room. Wh —"

But before she could even finish her question, Silas was on his feet, racing to the backroom. Nissa turned to Talia for an explanation. "Well I wouldn't want your little darlings to miss all the fun." That dangerous gleam was back in her eye. Nissa just laughed anxiously, turning just in time to see Ayden and Kendrick shoved onto their knees in the living room.

Ayden's eyes went wide with shock upon seeing the young girl, and his brother's narrowed with fury. Nissa glanced at them, sending a silent warning in attempt to calm him. He got the message and settled back down, though the fury in his eyes didn't fade.

Talia smiled wide at their reactions, but a noise drew her attention to the young girl tethered in front of her feet. The chains scraped against the floor, and the dazzling green of her eyes looked frantically in every direction, wide as quarters. Her hands grasped the suffocating collar around her neck in an attempt to remove it, only to fall to her side a few seconds later in dismay. The vampiress approached her, long nails grazing her cheek. "It's no use. Can't you tell?"

The girl pulled on her chains in an attempt to escape from the vampiress's hands. "Get away from me, murderess!"

With a sinister smirk, Talia moved even closer to the poor girl. "Aww you do remember me. I'm touched. But since you so very rudely interrupted our meal, I guess we're just going to have to feast on you instead." She bared her fangs, and hissed, "Oh I do hope you taste as good as you smell."

The girl's entire body shook with terror, but instead of going straight for the jugular as she had witnessed the vampiress do to those men in the alley, Talia grasped the girl's wrist instead. Her fangs brushed against the soft skin briefly before breaking it, but instead of drinking her blood, Talia withdrew from the girl's wrist. Turning to Nissa, she said, "Fill up your glass, sis. Dinner is served."

Not wanting to anger her rather unstable sister, and seeing no obvious way out of it, Nissa went over to the kitchen and grabbed a small wine glass. After approaching the girl, Nissa took her wrist firmly in one hand, and began to lightly squeeze. With each drop of blood that fell into the glass, the girl's wimperings grew louder. Nissa didn't mind, but the soft drip of the blood into the glass was wearing on Talia's nerves. Before the glass was even half-way full, she pulled Nissa away. "I have had enough," she said as her fangs tore the cut in the girl's wrist even wider, "of this endless dripping!"

As Talia's white hot fangs sank into her wrist, the girl let out a piercing scream that, if the walls hadn't been soundproofed, would have shaken the roof. The vampiress withdrew just as quickly as she had before, but this time the blood trickled from her wrist rather than dripping from it. In no time, Nissa's glass was filled, and a new one replaced it. Once all the vampires had full glasses in their hands, Talia moved toward the counter, leaving the girl to bleed out on her floor.

As soon as the vampires went into the kitchen, Ayden rushed over to help the young lady. His brother was quick to follow. They searched desperately for a towel or something they could make a tourniquet with, but found nothing. Kendrick's frantic eyes met Nissa's, and she understood at once. Her keen ears heard the sound of the girl's slowing heartbeat, and in in a flash she was kneeling beside her. Nissa's razor-sharp fangs pierced her own wrist, which she then shoved into the girl's mouth. "Drink," she said, he voice cold.

It was then that Talia looked up from her elongated makeout session with her boyfriend. Fury flashed in her eyes. She was beside her sister in an instant, tearing her wrist from the human's mouth. But she was too late, and could only watch her victim's wound heal before her eyes. Her fists, knuckles white with fury, were balled at her sides. A frigid whisper fell from her lips. "Bitch."

Nissa smirked. "Bastard."

Red inflamed her sister's cheeks. "You have no right to call me that." She paused. "But since we're rehashing the good ol' days, how about a trip down memory lane? If I remember correctly, you used to love watching humans squirm as I sank my fangs into them." Still grasping the girl's wrist, Talia pulled the trembling thing toward her, fangs extended. For a brief second, she gazed at her prey with a deep-rooted hunger, even though her thirst had already been sated.

A second before her fangs brushed the young woman's neck, Nissa shoved her back. "Haven't you tortured her enough, Tal? Leave her be."

Turning to her sister, Talia snarled, "Getting sentimental, are we? Or are you falling in love with your slave again?"

Nearly spitting with fury, Nissa hissed, "You really want to remind me of that night? You of all people know how much Mason meant to me!"

"Oh, that I do, sister. And I know how easy hunters are to fool."

Nissa recoiled, as if struck. When she spoke, her voice was low and hard. "It was you."

Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading, and I'm so sorry about the cliffhanger. Pls don't hate me! Haha.... Seriously though, please don't hate me. :P

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