Chapter 5

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The above image is Ayden's brother, Kendrick

Undergoing Intense Revisions

Nissa took Ayden back to his cell a few hours later before leaving to go find Sebastian and Scarlett. She found them sitting in a parlor in the right wing of the mansion, playing a card game. She paused by the entryway, observing them. Laughter poured into the hall, and their smiles lit the dark, dreary mansion. Nissa watched them for a while, until Scarlett looked up and spotted her. Her wide smile faded in an instant, and she jumped to her feet, knocking the cards aside as she did. "N-Nissa. We were just — we just wanted to —"

The vampiress held up her hand. "No need to explain. You are free to do as you will within this house, and yes that includes playing cards."

The two humans before her allowed themselves to relax a little. "So... is it time then?"

"Unfortunately, it is. The next wave of hunters will be upon us any minute now, and I want you two out of harm's way when they arrive." She sighed. "This will likely be the last time I see either of you, as I am leaving tonight. Don't worry, as soon as they realize they can't find me, the Hunters will release you, of that I am certain. In any case, you'll be free by morning."

Sebastian looked at her, eyes wide. "Really? You'd really let us go? But what about breaking the law?"

"You'll be in your cell, so technically the Hunters will set you free and I won't have to the law in the process." She motioned for them to follow her. They stood, and the three of them walked back down the twisting hallways, causally talking. It only took a few minutes before they were in front of the cell door once again. When Nissa shut the door, locking them inside, she bid them good day and meant it. She hoped they would be alright.

It was nearing daybreak by then, and Nissa spent the rest of the morning walking around her estate. When she stepped out into the light of the new day sun, her complexion turned from as white as a sheet to relatively average-looking. Her black eyes became almost brown, and her lips became somewhat of a more subdued red. Her hair stayed the same: black as night, slightly wavy, and reaching just beyond her shoulders. But her clothes were the most drastic change, for they morphed from a tight red and black corset with a pair of black leggings to a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

Nissa sat on a small stone bench in her front garden, and it brought back memories of her last hundred years in seclusion. She remembered the short time she had with Mason, whom she had loved with all of her immortal heart, even though he was human. He was killed not too far from where she stood, slain by a group of hunters just after he had been turned into a vampire. They had vowed to each other that they would spend eternity together, and after he was killed she went into a rage and viciously murdered all of those responsible. To her everlasting shame, she had then descended upon the townspeople living nearby. No one was spared from her wrath, and it wasn't until she looked upon the dead body of a young girl she had killed, when she finally snapped out of it. The young girl reminded her of the life she could have had with Mason, the life which was cruelly taken from her. She had vowed that day to remove herself from society so that no more innocent blood like that of the young girl would be spilled.

The sound of a car coming down the long drive shook her from her thoughts, and as quickly as she was able she rushed to the wing where the prisoners were kept and swiftly entered the Hunters' room. "Ayden. It's time." She whispered in his sleeping ear, as soon as she unlocked the door. He groggily got up out of bed, careful not to wake the others. As silently as she could, Nissa led him out of the cell and into the hallway, careful to lock the cell door behind them. She turned toward the young man, but he avoided her gaze. "Where do you think they'll attack from?"

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