{ Your knees are always bruised and red, dear }

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A tall slender figure sauntered onto the stage, her oiled body illuminated by dramatic lighting, her hair was a vibrant shade of red; it was messy, her tussled locks framing her pale face. Rouge lipstick lay upon her slightly parted lips, her thin face was adorned with blush and she smiled sweetly at the crowd of men staring lustfully at her. She wore knee high black socks, with blood red bows each side, suspenders lead to a black lace thong showing off her curvaceous body and she wore a matching bra.

Countless numbers of notes were carelessly thrown at her as she span around the polished metal pole, occasionally she made eye contact with one of the men resulting in them almost emptying the entire contents of their wallets. The odd suggestive remark would be shouted at her but she had learned to ignore them over time.  Her body coiled around the pole and she span once more before hopping off of it and walking towards the group of men. Some reached out to try to touch her however whenever they were close she'd move away teasing them after winking cheekily. She had five more minutes to impress them and then it was time for her to be sold, she dreaded it in all honesty; because of the stories she'd heard from the other girls and the prominent bruises that she saw on their sensitive skin when they were dressing. It was time for her last move, the one she had been trying to pull off for months and if she did, then maybe it would entice one of the less... abusive men.

Hastily climbing to the top of the pole she hung herself upside down; her feet wrapped around the top and her arms hung loosely towards the floor. Using her feet she kicked out and began to spin violently around the pole, she was in control for the first few seconds. Until her foot slipped and she plummeted towards the floor landing with a loud phud.  The room was spinning and her head ached, she glanced at the once impressed men that were now shaking their heads with disapproval. Standing up after dusting herself off, she stood there awaiting for her selling to begin.
The manager walked on stage dressed in a dark grey suit and tie, with dark brunette hair; slicked back and glasses adorning his face. His stage name was suit and his real name was Will, or Mr Spears depending on whether you were in his good books. William was almost always ordering his workers about and often manipulated the girls into submitting to him, although he was very good in bed, or so that's what the rumours said.
"Alright then... let's start at perhaps $5,"
Grell's POV
My body trembled as Mr Spears walked on stage, he was obviously very displeased with my performance... well the stern expression on his face showed it. As he began to auction me I stood their awkwardly wishing for this awful process to be over.
"£5!!" Someone bellowed snapping me out of my daze, I couldn't see who had said it but he didn't sound at all like a nice person.
"Pffft is that all you've got... I bid $50" a man deadpanned, with a rather young sounding voice.
An argument broke out between the two men, both of them desperate for me to be their's, it felt so unnatural, I'd never been sold before. Was I really ready?
"£500..." a gruff voice spoke up, the room fell silent, as the crowd was parted a tall slender man was revealed. Whispers were exchanged between the members of the group, shocked that some fool would exchange so much money for a clumsy bitch like me. I glanced over at Will  briefly, his mouth was agape.  After all that was a shit ton of money for William to get his hands on.

My eyes then returned to the man stood their with the money in his white gloved hands, he had raven straight hair that just stopped above his broad shoulders and looked rather unkempt, piercing scarlet red eyes; that were probably mentally undressing me right at that very moment and prominent cheek bones. His lips were adorned with a complacent smirk that I assumed never strayed far from his face. His eye brows were at a harsh angle; making his expression cruel and bitter and his skin was pale. He was dressed in an outfit that reeked of elegance and class, it consisted of: black cotton dress pants, a six-button double-breasted black tailcoat, charcoal grey waist coat and a chained silver lapel pin bearing an odd pentagramic shape.  His dominant presence filled the whole room; even the bravest of the men shrank back into the shadows a little; now a lot less vocal than they were a few moments ago.

Will lead the stranger and I off the stage and into his office where they both exchanged a few words and paperwork was signed. My manager took me into a separate room and told me to get dressed and pack my case. Quickly stepping behind the dressing curtain I slipped on a red pleated skirt and lace corset, hoping to please the mystery man. Fixing my hair I then glanced at myself in the mirror before walking out. Pushing the curtain aside William approached me and smiled softly, which shocked me until I remembered how much money the wicked man now possessed.
"Your new owner is called Sebastian, he's told me to give you this list of rules that you have to abide by" he hands me a sheet of paper and I quickly scan through it, taken aback by it's contents. I myself had kinks and my clients had them too but, I'd never had to follow any rules as intense and strict as these.
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄Rules:
1. You must follow master's every word.
2. Disobey master and you will be punished, punishments include:
Spanking, orgasm denial, master can use you, whipping, forced to not wear any article of clothing, shaming, forced fucking, choking and anything master deems fit.
3. Always tell master the truth.
4. Ask for permission in everything.
5. No cumming without master.
6. No seeing or fucking anyone else.
7. Your only job is to keep master entertained and if you don't then there will be serious consequences.
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
The list went on from there but those were the only ones I could remember properly. I gulped and looked up at William with pleading eyes; he placed a supportive arm upon my shoulder, then whispered,"Grell, you always were my favourite... just do whatever he says and you'll be fine,"
He placed a soft and tender kiss on my cheek and led me out the room...

Heya guys it's your piece of shit author here, I hope you enjoyed this first little "part" of this book! Xx have a great day/night aha ;)

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