{ I need to feel the sickness... in you }

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I have not had time to proof read this so please ignore any mistakes~ thank you x

Groaning Grell's eyes fluttered open, she must of been passed out for at least a day since it was now light outside. Open bars allowed cold drafts of air in, which made her cold to the bone, her pathetic excuse for clothing barely protected her body from the harsh elements outside. There was some loud commotion coming from outside the cell door and Grell's back stiffened at the sound. Being overwhelmed with apprehension she cowered into the corner in a paralysis of fear, unable to move when her "master" opened the cell door and motioned for her to follow. Not receiving a response from the hunched over slave, a soft, demonic growl escaped his lips.

Rushing over to his defiant slave the older man grabbed a fistful of the said reaper's scarlet locks, that glistened in the sun that was pouring through the barred 'window'. With his face contorted into a stern expression, he dragged her out of the cell. The shinigami's small frame collided into everything in their path. She let out a loud cry but was stopped as her assailant kicked out at her stomach; knocking the air out of her in the process. Continuing through an endless stone paved hallway they then stopped abruptly outside a large black coloured door with scratch marks located on the glossy paint work. Grell didn't think much of the scratch marks, just buried that small feature at the back of her mind... although that tiny detail could of helped her to prepare for the agonising pain that soon was going to overcome her.

Inside of the room, there was no light, no windows, nothing aside from a small lantern that barely gave out any source of light. The slave could only make out the silhouette of an item that she reckoned was a chair. Suddenly a light switch was flicked and brilliant light shone about the room from an overcasting bulb hanging the ceiling upon a chord, it looked like a basement of some sort.

Clutching a hold of his slave, he threw her resentfully into the chair; splinters instantly penetrated the reaper's delicate skin and an unpleasant crack was in turn earned from his victims back. Chuckling apathetically he strolled towards Grell, proceeding to pin her arms to the chair before, yanking the blood stained silver restraints down, he closed them tight. Before repeating his actions instead with her legs being the limbs restrained. Smirking he produced an unknown article from his pocket. Once the cover was slid off Grell was able to see that it was a menacing looking knife about the size of a dagger. She squirmed in the seat, beginning to whimper loudly. The more dominant of the pair seized the redhead's right hand and secured her small fragile middle finger to the arm rest of the chair. Then, he placed the tip of the sharp glistening weapon under the nail, teasing Grell for a brief moment. Her eyes widened. She started to beg repeatedly, saliva and sweat beginning to drip down her panic-stricken face.

"Hmmm... Grell you've been a very bad reaper by defying your Master's orders and it's time for you to learn what happens to bad reaper's~..." the older man purred with traces of lust lacing his tone. A cynical expression lay upon his face as he smiled sickeningly at the traumatised shinigami. He pushed the knife into the other's finger, slowly slicing open the soft flesh beneath her nail, the redhead screamed out in pain, trying to pull away however, the restraints prevented her  from doing so.

Her master afterwards, reached his hand towards Grell's nail and gradually ripped it off of her pale and bony middle finger, he did it slowly just so he could relish the other's protests, he loved the way the reaper wailed it pleased him dearly to know he was making the other suffer by his own hand. Especially since she was a reaper; a type of creature who he strongly disliked. Giving out one last throaty squeak she passed out from shock, her body laying limp upon the wooden chair.

"I'm not finished yet...my pathetic little dog~" he jeered while cherishing the new name he had given the slave, the male was known to not be fond of dogs so the name was certainly fitting. Raising his own gloved finger, that was coated in blood, he caressed "Dog's" lifeless face, admiring the trail of blood that he left upon her cheek after finishing his actions. The slave had put up a fight and her master had appreciated that, after all he only wanted to show his affection by teaching her a small lesson, nothing too drastic at this stage. He merely wanted her to know her place. An idea formed inside the man's head; as a result he grinned sadistically at the thought as he executed it. The knife that he still clutched was aimed at his property's rags, dragging along the front of them and cutting them off, leaving the slave exposed to his master. He sneered as he began to carve the knife into the tender skin of his dog's stomach, the intricate engraving began to leak thick blood, it dripped along her torso leaving it caked with the maroon coloured substance. This was her new identity and he never wanted her to forget it.
"Sweet dreams... my filthy little dog~"

Well then... I wonder what's going to happen next hmmm?~ hopefully you will all find out soon when I decide to update this haha! Hope you're all doing well anyway xx

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