{ You're So Cynical, Narcissistic Cannibal }

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Sebastian held the door open for me as I stepped inside his house, it was huge, with walls painted black, dark grey tiled floors; that you could see your reflection in and the ceiling was a dark grey also. The rooms were ornately decorated with a vast a ray of peculiar looking ornaments, paintings displaying macabre things and the odd seat strewn about. Glancing around at the room a feeling of unease began to wash over me, who even was this man anyway?

Turning my attention back to the smartly dressed man, I studied his face intensely trying to read him at least a little but it was in vain as his face stayed straight and emotionless. His head tilted to the side mimicking the way a dog would, he had noticed me staring at him peculiarly so his behaviour had reflected that.

"Would you like to know where you are sleeping tonight, little one?" he enquired sweetly although there was something off about his voice, something that made me question him even more. Returning my eyes to the floor I took one last discrete glance back up at him and nodded. His silk gloved hand took a hold of mine firmly and he led me through countless numbers of halls and rooms until eventually we were stood outside a door.

Silence invaded the hallway and the air began to feel tense and bitter as if trying to warn me. Master slipped his hand inside his suit pocket and produced a glossy black key, that possessed intricate engravings on it, I have to admit it was a little strange him taking out such an article and the fact that this was supposedly the room I was to be staying in made my anxiety begin to gnaw away at me. Inserting the key inside the lock, he turned it briefly before twisting the door knob and sliding it open. I peered down into the darkness and once the door was fully open the light from outside illuminated the 'room', however as I was soon going to discover it was not a room.

Once again master took out another oddity from his pocket and began to wrap it over my eyes, my breathing hitched for the world around me had been plunged into darkness. With a forceful hand on my back I was led down what I am now to know as concrete steps, my mind was flooded with obscene images of what I was going to be shown down here and what was to become of me.


Intimidating dull iron bars surrounded her, the room was dimly lit and the floor irritated her tender skin as she lay there quivering. The cell door swung open harshly hitting the stone walls of the cell, sending a loud reverberation around the room. Grell's eyes darted towards the sudden sound and her body began to shake violently as she saw a dark invasive pair of eyes staring at her through the darkness of the outside hall. Feeling threatened she edged towards the back corner of the cell, cowering down and tucking her legs in, rocking herself back and forth in an attempt to calm herself. As she looked back up at the glinting eyes they stared back at her in an almost mocking way holding her gaze for a solid 5 minutes. They watched her every move, taking mental notes and calculating the situation, Grell was terrified to say the least and was unable to talk only the odd whimper escaped her trembling lips. She began to mumble incoherently, her voice breaking every so often and her throat was sore. Tears began to slip down her gentle face, her eyes became puffy and her cheeks were stained a glossy red because of the salty liquid trailing down them.

"You look so beautiful when you cry" a voice came from the pair of eyes that had been watching her for the past few minutes, it was strange, almost soothing but terrifying to say the least. Grell began to relax a little although she was still shivering and continued to weep in the darkness. The voice began to advance until it was only about a foot away from her, she shrivelled up more trying to make herself as small as possible.

"W-Who are you?" she cried out while stuttering, her body continuing to shake violently. The eyes blinked at her and a low throaty chuckle came from the silhouette stood menacingly above her.

"That's none of your concern, all you need to know is that you belong to me now," although she was unable to see him she could tell he was smirking as he spoke because of the tone of his voice. As the words left his lips, Grell's face lit up slightly for she knew who was holding her captive, it was her master. God the rumours and stories she'd heard from the girls were true.

"I'm not yours..." she mumbled softly, not meaning for her captor to hear her however he did and in response to her words a harsh and unrelenting hand struck her right cheek, her head slammed against the floor and she let out a soft squeal as she felt a warm liquid drip from the wound on her head...

It was only a matter of time before she collapsed from the lack of blood flowing through her veins and once she did who knows what was to become of her...

I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update this because of school but I shall try my best x love you guys!~

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