School I Guess

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Joker's POV

Formerly, our relationship was one of rivalry but after finishing what we always do, we regained our normal lifestyles, met again. And our dynamics became those of ordinary friends. The sense of thrill from before is no more but well, we are content things as they are, because nothing can replace having such a close friend.

But whatever I'm crushing on him. His eyes, his hair, his golden skin, his scar, his body, his abs (I saw him in the shower once. Luckily enough, he didn't notice me), the way he smiles, everything. Everything about him I love. He surely is hot.

Surely from now on, we'll keep protecting that link called "friend". So even if we walk different paths, we'll reassert our friendship over a drink from time to time. I thought that was the kind of relationship that would naturally ensue.

"Joker. I'm interested in this movie so let's go see it together." He suddenly announced with a rather innocent and cheerful tone.

"Movie? You don't have to bother and invite me. There's someone more appropriate you should go with instead, right?" An annoyed expression made its way to my face. Here I am happily eating my curry and he suddenly interrupted me! The goddamn nerve.

"But lately all you do is getting involved in scenarios so I haven't been able to hang out with you..." Pft. Said the one who always makes those so called scenarios happen.

"Besides, watching this movie with another guy would definitely be more fun. Right?" "Ah! There's Shadow." We turned our heads to see who it was. It was the popular Spade. He cares his looks deeply and is sometimes a drama queen. Or king I'd say.

"You're with Joker again? You guys get along nicely suprisingly." Unconsciously, I blushed. "What is it? I was asking Joker to go on a date with me so don't get in the way." Said the blue haired boy with a playful but annoyed face. Not gonna lie, that was hot. Does he even know what he's doing to me? I blushed. I face palmed, trying to hide my pinkish face.

"A date between two guys?" Queen suddenly appeared with a chuckle.

"That aside, Ace from a university came to the mixer you missed yesterday!" Said Spade with a rather disapointed face. "Really?"

"You have to come to the next one. If you're there, things will get more lively for sure." Hm. Good idea. A way to keep him busy from interupting me eating my curry.

"Nah. I can't I already have a girlfriend."

Oh right. Shadow Joker has a girlfriend. It seems to me he got one after entering college. I don't know how it happened neither do I want to know.  Anyone could fall for him. And when I say anyone, I mean anyone. I mean look at me. I first liked him when we were still rivals. Either way, I'm glad that he's happy with someone, not really minding the fact that my heart broke when I first heard the news about it. Right now, the closest person to him is not me, his formal rival. It's his girlfriend.

"See you later Shadow." Feeling a bit jealous, I left to not expose myself of my true feelings for him. "Ah, hey! Joker! Let's have lunch together okay?" I sighed. He noticed me. He invites me to eat together while I was about to stomp my way out.

"Yeah yeah." I swatted my hands like I was swatting some flies. I felt gloomy though. I was always the one who'd say to others 'never lose hope!' but now, I don't have hope. I know that he'll never be mine. You can make any number of friends but you can only have one girlfriend/boyfriend. That's how things are in my mind set.

Days later

"What? You got dumped by your girlfriend?" I heard his friend saying that as I was sitting next to him. I was shocked but felt a tiny glint of relief. I know I shouldn't be feeling that but I did. Oopsies. "I'm sorry for you."

Confused but Clear Love(Shadow x Joker)Where stories live. Discover now