(Chapter 1)

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A/N: I update whenever I can around 3:00pm EST.
Do What You Want (With My Body)
Chapter 1

~Selena's P.o.V~

I need a job, I really really needed a job, I'm sixteen and I need to get a job fast. I'm tired of asking people to borrow money, because then I'll owe a bunch back. I'm not that kind that person, I hate that I have to owe people back.

I walked out of the house and I'm headed towards a shop to sit down and look through newspapers for a job.

"I'll be back mom!" I shout as I grab my sweater and head out the door.

"Where are you going?" She shouts back.

"Going to look for a job!" I add.

"Be back soon please? For dinner.." She shouts.

"Ok, bye!" I shout and walk out.

I walk down the sidewalk and towards a coffee shop down the street. I walk In And I walk towards the newspaper stand, and grab a newspaper. I smile at the diner lady that is serving the customers morning coffee.

I sit down at one of the tables and take in a deep breath. I can do this, it's not so hard to find a job right? Right? Anyway I flip through the sheets, until I find the job section. I begin to highlight the easy jobs. Yeah let's start with easy.


Fry cook

Box mover




Maid. Maid. That sounded easy all you do is pick up after little 5 year olds. That like making a mess from time to time. That wasn't so difficult right? Just walk around with those maid outfits and a small white cap on your head with a duster, dusting around tables and such.

I'm going to give it a call, I circled the number and the small description read In Need of a Maid please call (568) 574-3642. And please talk to Zayn Malik. I circled the small box with the info. And stood up and walked out.


I walked back home and I walked in. "I'm back!" I shout as I sit on the sofa ready to call.

"Find a job yet?" My mom walks in.

"Yeah I think I did, I'm giving it a call now..." I tell my mom as I put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello? House of Malik?" A female voice says through the line.

"Hi, I saw an ad in the newspaper it reads that you are in need of a new maid, I was wondering if this spot is still open?" I smile as if she could see me.

"It is actually! Mr. Malik is in need of one! Do you have time for a quick Interview?" She says in a cheer voice.

"Yes, I do..so?" I not sure about where I should go for this interview.

"The address is 3521 N. Valley Way Dr." She says.

"I'll be there soon, thank you so much!" I exclaim.

"No thank you!" She says. I hang up.


"I'm leaving again!" I shout for my mom.

"Again?" She says.

"They are interviewing me mom for the job.."

"That quick?" She questions.

"What? I found a job..." I tell her walk towards the door.

"That was fast..." She shrugs.

"It's faith calling me.." I smile and walk out.

"Well you better hurry before that faith runs out!" She teases.

"I'm running! Bye!" I wave and walk out.

"Bye!" That's the last thing I hear.


I reach the so called "house" this isn't no house it's a freaking mansion, wonder what I will cleaning around this "house". Anyway I walked up to the buzzer and I pressed the button and waited for the gates to open.

"And you must be the girl looking for the job!" The same voice cheers.

"Yes I am! Selena here!" I say back and the door buzzes open.

I walk up the driveway, and this Zayn guy is like freakish rich, man what does this kid sit on wads and wads of cash. I reach the door and I knock.

"Come on in!" The lady is a brunette with a pencil skirt and her hair is in a sophisticated bun.

"Thank you.." I smile.

"Come with me for your interview.."
She smile and I follow her down a hallway, as I widen my eyes and my jaw falls open of all the things this Zayn guy has.

She lady knocks and the door of an office, as we wait for an answer. "Come in.." I hear a British raspy voice.

She twists the knob and opens the door, to bring upon my eyes a handsome man with a business suit, his hair is jet black and his face is perfect, what am I even saying? He's so hot. He looks like he's running Late too as he watches is Rolex and puts this in his briefcase.

"Mr. Malik?" The lady questions.

"What is it Sarah, make it fast I'm running late.." He mumbles.

"She's here for the maid spot that was in the news-.." The lady that I know is known as Sarah.

He look up at me and he eyes my body up and down, I feel uncomfortable by his eyes peering into mine.

"Your hired.." He says blankly.

"But sir, you haven't interviewed-.." Sarah is interrupted by her boss.

"I don't have to time-..she's hired...you can explain to her everything they goes on in this household..can you Sarah?" He's speaking to Sarah.

"Yes sir..." Sarah nods her head.

"Great, so your hired..you start tomorrow 7:00am sharp. No excuses... Got it? Now if you will excuse me.." He says I nod my head and he pushes past Sarah and I.

So much for a job interview :/

Hey babes💕 So I've decided up start writing chapters for this book! This is the first chapter! I really hope you enjoy this book! 👌😊😁 byeeee✌️

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