Chapter 24

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Do What You Want (With My Body)
Chapter 24
Recap: He walks out the door and his limo driver opens the door for him, Zayn puts his luggage in first and he follows in. The driver closes the door and he begins to drive off of out of the driveway and into the street out onto New York.
I shut the door and I lean against it. This is going to be a long four days...
~Zayn's P.o.V~
When we arrive at the Airport, my limo driver opens the door for me. I get out and I grab my suitcase and my briefcase. "Thank you Travis." I say.
He nods his head. "Have a safe flight Sir Malik." He says. He walks around towards the drivers door he gets in and drives off.
I walk in through the slide doors and there stand Liam and Louis with their briefcases and suitcases to the side of them. We all wear out business suits and I look around, I greet liam and I pat him on the back. I give his shoulder a squeeze and I pull back.
"Though you weren't going to make it." Louis exclaims with a smile.
"It's not like I was late tommo." I add.
"You're right." He shrugs. "But maybe selena was holding you up." He smirks.
"If you know what I mean." He nudges me.
"Oh shut up, you know it's not like that." I say.
"And when were you planning to tell me Malik?" Liam speaks up. Louis is on one side and liam is on the other side.
"You know you're my best mates, you would have found out sooner or later." I shrug.
~Selena's P.o.V~
I'm bored.
I would go to my moms but like she's not home this weekend. Which is actually strange because she's always home. Something about Business trips in California I don't know.
I should go shopping, but what do I buy? Now that I have money I can't think of anything. It's weird.
I'm calling Caleb. Fvck Zayn's rules.
Hopefully his phone is still the same.
"Hello?" He says through the line.
"Caleb?" I exclaim.
"Selena?" He says.
"Yes hey it's me!" I say. "Uhm-..wanna go out into town?" I say awkwardly.
"Yeah sure?!-..that way you can explain why you haven't been to school in a whole week or two." He says.
I groan. "Fine. Oh and I'll pick you up."
"But you don't drive?" He says.
"But Zayn has a limo and a driver, so I'll be there." I say.
"Ok bye."
"Byeee." I say and hang up.
I get dressed and grab a sweater to walk out the door of the room. I walk down the stairs and I walk down the mail hall.
"Sarah in leaving!" I shout.
"Where are you going?" She walks into the hallway.
"Out with a friend." I shrug.
"But be careful please." She says.
"I will don't worry." I give her a smile.
I walk out the door of the house and the Limo and the driver stand outside.
"Ms. Will you be going out?" He speaks up.
"Yes, yes I am." I tell him.
"Where to?"
"That I'm not telling you." I tease and quickly hang up before he says
~Zayn's P.o.V~
"I would stay at my mums house but that's hours away." I tell the boys as we walk into the lobby of a hotel room in London.
"Same here." Liam agrees.
"I would boys." Louis says. "But my house is full of my brothers and sisters." He Shrugs. "Simply, there is no room. And besides I'm a grown man."
"It's hard to believe that when your always making such a ruckus at the office." I add.
"See Zayn." Louis says. "What work without any fun in it?" As they continue to walk across the lobby to the elevator.
"I don't know tommo." Liam states in an obvious tone. "Work." He says.
"This is why no one at the office likes you both." Louis teases. "because you are mean and Grouchy, so everyone comes to me for help." Louis teases both liam and I.
The elevator door opens on our floor. And we walk further down the hall to find out rooms.
"Ok whatever tommo." I roll my eyes. "I'm kind of starved, shall we go on to dinner?" I request.
"That's simply an offer I can't deny." Louis adds. "But first lets get out of these suit and we'll meet down stairs in the lobby." Louis says.
"Sounds like a plan." Liam agrees. "I'll meet you both down stairs." Liam says as he slides the card in and the door opens to his room.
I walk into mind and it's quiet big. With a mini refrigerator with drinks and stuff in it. A big bed, all to myself. A closer hang my suits. A shower. A t.v. A big window where I could see the world outside. Simply everything I needed.
I up packed my clothing and I first hung my suits in the small closet by the toilet. I went into the shower and I looked at myself in the mirror, I have facial hair growing, my hair is getting longer and I have loads of tattoos. Tattoos that I have gotten in my wild teenage years.
I had gotten a microphone in on my arm, I don't know why. I don't even remember why to be honest. Then a slithering snake on my arm. I thought it was quite cool. I basically had a whole tattoo sleeve of tattoos on my arm. Woah. I thought. What was wrong with me as a teenager.
I had finished my shower and I had walked out with a towel wrapped around my waist. This hair was getting in my way I thought. But I don't want to cut it. Not now at least.
I looked through my suitcase and I began pulling out some clothes. I brought black skinny jeans. Sweaters. T- shirts and shoes or Combat boots. I smile at myself. Wow. What I'm I doing, I'm thirty not sixteen.
I turned on the T.V to see what was in U.K television I had gotten so used to the U.S that it'd simply hard to watch something from home. I flipped through channels. That's when I stopped at a certain one that had my face on it.
A lady with long brunette hair began to speak. She adjusted her small stack of papers and began. She had a soft British accent. "America's most eligible Bachelor or should i say U.K's most eligible bachelor. Is now eligible to date?! That's write according to a source. Zayn Malik and model ex-wife Katy Macietlli of Ten years have filed a divorce!? No source has released further information of how these two are doing. That's it for Celebrity News U.K!" She says.
Ok maybe watching T.V was a bad idea. I turned it off. And continue looked through what I was wearing for this evening. I hated being on the face of every cover of every news headline. I hated it. I because Americas Bachelor when's father retired from the wine business and he handed it to me. I was young only twenty.
I juggled Uni and my father's business at once. People started to notice that it wasn't my father who ran the business anymore but me. And I guess that amazed people, that some lad as young as twenty years old like myself could manage such a big business. So gossip channels, news papers and such started talking about it.
At first I was fine with it, because they only talked about the good and successful things I had done got the world. I remember starting out cameras and everything followed me everywhere. I fine with all of that. But then they began getting into my personal life. Trying to find out who I dated and what I was up too. Pretty soon that got really annoying and I grew tired of it.
I couldn't even walk into a restaurant or anywhere really with out women throwing themselves at me. And I probably sound like a conceded vain son of a bitch, but it is true.
~Selena's P.o.V~
"Can you tell me where we are going?" Caleb whines. As we sit in the limo going to the mall.
"We are going to the mall!! Yay!" I raise my hands in the air.
He gives me the look. "The mall? I don't even have money." He says.
"But I do!" I show in the credit card.
His eyes widen. "Where did you get that?" He says.
"Mr. Malik gave it to me." I shrug.
"Just like that?" He shrugs. "Just like-..Pfft."
"He left for four days ok? What? Was I going to starve?" I tease.
"Don't you think he's going a little far with giving you a credit card? Out all people, you." He says.
I playfully hit his arm. "What is that suppose to mean?"
"Nothing." He laughs. "i just think he's taking this guardian thing." He shrugs.
"What?" I laugh. "Aww is someone jelly?" I pinch his cheeks.
"I am not jealous." He playfully punches me. "Like he doesn't even let you out the house." He says.
"Maybe he has a reason." I shrug. "I don't know." I change the subject.
"Where are you going?" He looks out the window.
"To the mall I told you already!" I exclaim.
"Why?" He questions.
"Loosen up yeah? Don't be a Debbie downer!" I say.
"Ok I'll try." He says with a positive sarcastic tone. But I know he doesn't mean it.
~Zayn's P.o.V~
After I was done, I looked myself in the mirror of the restroom. I wore a long sleeve black shirt, skinny jeans and combat boots. I held my hair with a tie thing and I was ready to meet the boys down stairs.
I thought to myself and look up at the mirror, I so do not look thirty years old. I look like a guy in his early twenties with facial hair. In actually very proud of myself, I have kept myself in shape for so long now.
Anyways, I walked out of the room, I walked down the hall and pressed the button on elevator, I waited for the door to open and I stepped in. I pressed the first floor button and the elevator doors closed.
The doors opened and there stood louis and Liam in the lobby talking among themselves. Louis wears a t-shirt some skinny jeans and vans. His hair has short of a punk rock hair going with facial hair. He's thirty-two. There is no way in hell.
Liam wears a checkered flannel with a handkerchief hanging off his skinny jeans and he wears combat boots. His small Quiff like hair is slightly pulled back. Liam is thirty seriously there is no way in hell.
"You took ages!" Louis exclaims when he sees me.
"I was showering thank you very much tommo." I sarcastically say.
"Shall we get to dinner I am starved." Liam interrupts.
"What do you lads feel like eating tonight?" I question the lads as we get into a car that I rented car I had gotten for my stay in London.
"I really don't know." Liam says as he sits in the front seat next to me and louis sits in the back seat. "It's been ages, I don't even recall the good food here in London." He shrugs.
I pull out of the parking garage of the hotel and into the streets of London.
"Zayn!" Louis shouts out of nowhere.
"What is it louis?" I say.
"Who did you leave in charge back at the office? We are all here.." He says.
"Yeah who did you you leave in charge zayn?" Liam adds as he looks out the window into the streets of London.
"Why sisters Doniya and Wailyha." I answer as we wait for the traffic light to turn green.
"Your sisters?" Louis says.
"Who else was I suppose to leave? My dad?" I look through the mirror in front of me to louis. "You know my father has settled down to my mum and my family, I don't think he would want to start back up again." I nod my head no.
"You're right. You're right. Sorry." Louis says.
"And besides louis you know Doniya's ans Wailyha have taken care of the business before. They have Dont a pretty good job." Liam defends.
"I couldn't agree more." Louis says.
We arrive a lock fancy restaurant, we quickly get out of the car and walk in the fancy expensive local pub.
We step and it's quiet, some people sit together talking among themselves quietly. Some hold glass wine bottles in there index and middle finger as the laugh about quietly to each other.
"Table for three." I speak up when the hostess walks up to the lads and I.
She gives us a nod and a smile and leads us towards out table. We take a seat and she hands us the menus.
"Any specific beverage? Gentlemen?" She says.
"A bottle of wine please." I tell her.
"I best one right now is the Château Lafite, by the only most eligible bachelor in America Mr. Malik." She says with a smile.
That's me.
I glance at louis and Liam and they hold a smirk into their menus.
"We will have that one, thank you." I tell her and she writes it down.
She finally gets our orders and I hand her all the menus. She takes them and tucks them under her arm. "Your entrées will be here shortly." She says and walks away.
"Most eligible bachelor?" Louis teases. Liam look at louis and does the same.
"Shush." I quietly whisper. "This is a place where I can finally get away from people and press and such." Im relieved.
"But what was that about?" Liam adds.
"I don't know you tell me." I say. "That's not even important anyways, I'm glad people don't know who I am here in England. That is a relief." I huff.
"Tired of all the press and media?" Liam says.
"Try walking around with Paps all on her ass trying to get pictures, and press trying to find out your love life? Women throwing themselves at me?" I add.
"You sound like a conceded vain son of a bîtch malik." Louis says.
"I told myself the same exact thing." I chuckle.
~Selena's P.o.V~
We walk into the mall and there are loads of people walking in and out of shops, some with shit loads of bags while other causally talk among themselves and have a drink in their hand.
"I don't even have money for the mall." Caleb whines.
"But I do!" I exclaim.
"Yeah because that, Malik gave it too you." He says.
"I we can buy you anything with this card." I tell him.
"I wouldn't want to max out this card." He says.
"He owns half this world. A couple dollars less won't hurt him." I shrug.
"I really don't want to mess with him and his money." He says. "He'd probably hunt me down."
"Mr. Malik is a harmless man." I assure. "He isn't mean."
"That's because you haven't gotten on his bad side." He says.
"How do you know I haven't?" I give him a wink.
"Oh wait." He says. "What am I seven saying, you are selena." He says. "duh. Stupid me." He palm his head.
"Very funny." I give him a fake smile.
~Zayn's P.o.V~
"Do you realize you liam and I are the only friends you have?" Louis says. As we eat into our dish.
"I have other friends." I knead my brows together.
"Not when your always mean and bossy towards everything and everyone." Liam says.
"I am not mean." I chuckle.
"Really? You fired Porter the other day because he got the transcripts wrong. Yelled at Susan for not bringing you the coffee how you like it." Louis raises a brow.
"Some people don't know how to do anything right." I shrug.
"Over a coffee? Really? I think that's a bit absurd don't you think Zayn?" Liam says.
"The point here is." I but into a piece of meat. "I have friends and you both aren't the only ones." I shrug.
"Who? If you can know?" Louis raises a brow.
"Harry and Niall." I say.
"Those two teachers that teach at the New York Academy school?" Louis says. "Them?"
"Is there something wrong with them?" I question. "I've known then since Uni." I say.
"You've known us since uni Zayn." Liam adds.
I met them when I went back for my teaching degree." I say.
"What I want to know here malik." Liam sips into his wine. "Is what have you got going on with that sixteen year old rebellious of a girl you have in your home."
"Yeah Zayn tell us." Louis teases with a smirk.
"Nothing." I shrug. "She's just a girl that need help getting through high school and I'm helping her that's all."
"And you haven't touched her at all?" Louis moves his brows up and down repeatedly.
"I-..I believe that isn't any of your business tommo." I say.
"So you have?" Liam says.
"Why does it matter?" I question.
"Why does it matter? Have you seen her?" Louis scoots closer to the table and says in a whisper. "If I had a young girl like her In my house Zayn-..things have gotten out of hand." He leans back.
"You want to truth?" I say.
"Zayn made you know you can trust us." Liam says. "We are your best mates aren't we?"
"Fine." I say. "Fine." I give. "I have touched her." I really don't know how to put it.
"You've touched her?" Louis says.
"Does that make me a bad person?" I say.
"It depends." Liam shrugs.
"Because i felt like-.." I explain.
"But did she like it?" Louis says.
"Yeah." I say with a shy tone.
"Then there's nothing to be ashamed about." Louis says. "Was she good?"
"It would be disrespectful to talk about her in that way." I say. "I rather not."
"You're right sorry." Louis says.
"But at the same time it feels wrong tommo." I say. "I'm thirty-..going for someone fourteen years younger than me? Lads I don't know-.."
"But do you like her?" Liam asks.
"I've grown care for her.." I say. "Does that count?" I say.
"Are you in love with her?" Louis says.
"I don't know-..I really don't know." I shrug.
"When you touched her, did she have any kinks?" Louis whispers.
"She likes to call my daddy." The heat on my cheeks grows bigger.
"What?" Louis says. "What." He smirks. "Damn malik, you are pretty way in there." He chuckles.
"The worst part about it is that I like it." I say. "It turns me on, it's a kink I didn't know I had." I say palming my forehead. "Coming off her lips-..just." I groan. "But I can't tell her, it would be embarrassing. If I told her I like it."
"You are lucky you don't have a play room." Louis says.
"Now I wish I had." I smirk.
~Selena's P.o.V~
"Selena I'm tired of walking." Caleb groans.
After walks in and out of shops, it seemed like ages. I had bought a phone and right there in the shop they had set it up. I have a phone now finally, now i could FaceTime Zayn tonight.
He'd like what i bought today, i walked into Victoria secret while I shooed Caleb off somewhere else. Then j quickly walked in to bath and body works and bought lotion, so I could hid the Victoria secret bag in with the bath and body works bag.
"Ok how 'bout we get you a lemonade squeeze and we head on home." I smile.
"Sounds like a plan." He smiles.
We walk up to the lemonade stand and I order up two pink lemonade for Caleb and I.
After a few minutes of waiting for our order they are finally handed to us, we make our way towards the Limo.
We climb in and head on home.
~Zayn's P.o.V~
After what seemed like hours of endless talking, I pay for the bill and we walk out of the restaurant. We head on to the car and back to the hotel, to get ready for the next few working days.
We arrive at the hotel and I park the rental car in the Vallet parking and we head on up, we walk into the lobby and towards the elevator. The elevator opens up and we head on to your rooms to rest for the night.
I walk into my hotel room and i lock the door behind me. I begin to undress myself and getting into sleep where, I pull my long sleeved shirt over my head and I throw it into a pile. I change in to basketball shorts and I risk around the room shirtless.
I towards the mirror and I undo my hair from the hair time. It's everywhere. That's when suddenly there is a ring at my iPhone.
I quickly go to fetch for it. I pick it up and it reads "Selena Would like to FaceTime" I click the green button and it immediately connects.

I raise it against my eye view and there she sits. With cute light pink lingerie. Her long pushed back. And she basically lays back her fully small body in view as she bites her lip.
It's taken me a few seconds to take this all in. She looks so FÛCKing hot. Fuck. Now I wish I wasn't here but there with her. I look like Fûcking shit with my hair spread all over, she looks so FÛCKing fuckable. Help me.
"Hi daddy." She says wish a small smirk.
She needs the stop calling me that, even though it sounds so fucking good coming off her lips.
Boring chapter I know😅 I'm sorry. The next one will be better😉 hehe😈 it's been awhile omfg a long while, how's everyone? I missed you lovelies💕
-Jas A.K.A ChocolateCovered 🍫

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