My New Friend

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Marty's P.O.V

* The Next Day*

I cant believe I did it. I got her number. And I didn't even screw up or stutter my sentences. Im so happy. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa. And other good news, I possibly have two new friends. I was able to figure out who they are. If your wondering, Yes I did go to Andi's party so I should at least know her name but, She did invite the whole school ( or was it the whole grade ) im not really sure the only reason I came was because my friends were going and I didn't want to feel like the odd one out, ya know. But im glad I did come because I would have never met buffy if I didn't .

*At school in Ms. Lemon's Class ( Last class of the Day)*

So if you didn't know I made some goals, which are to A: become close with buffy B: become Buffy's boyfriend and C:( which I really want to come true ) kiss buffy. As you can see all of my goals have to do with buffy. I don't really know why I even make goals at all. I always forget about them. Ok enough about buffy, Let me tell you about my most annoying teacher in the whole, Ms. Lemon. I cant stand her. I don't know were her clothes stop and her edges begin. Sometimes I wonder if she's really serious or if she's just playing with us. im always wrong either way.

"Ok class today we will be having a kind of fun day on this beautiful Tuesday morning. We will be learning more about each other. I know we are a month into school but I think we still don't know a lot about each other and I think this will make the class more friendly with on another" Ms. Lemon said. Oh just great I was fine just talking in my head with you guys, but now I have to talk to other people. I literally have no friends in this class. I keep to myself and I like it that way. "Ok so her is how this is going to go , im kind of going to do this for the next two weeks so you can get  a liking two your class mates. Well you know what, im only going to do this this week. So everyone find a partner and just talk to them for the rest of the day to get to know them. Think of this as a free friendship week". Most people just went to who their friends are. I mean that's not the point of the game or should I say "friendship week" but I don't really care.

I ended up being with some girl. "hi, I...Im Lisa( if you don't know how to say her name its lie za not le sa ) Liza Thornberry. " hi im Marty... from the party" I started to laugh, she didn't though. I shouldn't say that unless im around buffy. "Um so you shy or something cause you really are not saying anything". Ok maybe that was too mean. " Well to be honest im not shy, I just keep to myself, I just.. like it that way". hmp maybe me and Liza can be friends, Its like she secretly gets me. " Same. Well do you have any interests or hobbies and what not ". She smiled. "Well there is only 2 more minutes in class so there is no point in talking anymore you can just keep to yourself like I do but if you want to know I am the best at sitting home preferably on the couch or in the bed and watch Netflix or YouTube while eating chips". she laughed, and so did I. "Ok class have a nice day at home".

As I was walking to the front door I heard Liza call my name. "hey guy pal "she said with a smile. "guy pal?" I said confused. "Oh sorry I don't really have friends that are guys. I call my friends that are girls girlfriends like saying HEY GIRLFRANNN!!!! but I don't know what to call boys that are my friends I mean I cant call them boyfriends cause that sounds ya know, weird". "whoa whoa whoa who said were friends" I said with a glare. " Oh ugh I thought we were friends because we had such a good time in Ms. Lemons class, I mean I thought we got along quite well I mean if were not friends I could....."Calm down I was just joking, we are friends" I said with a smile. "Oh, well that's good" her face turned red " ugh ill see you tomorrow"  she said. " bye Liza". " Bye Marty.... from the party". She said with a smile as she left.

That's good, I made a new friend. She is very nice... Oh shoot I forgot I suppose to meet up with cyrus, andi, and buffy at the spoon.

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