Do I like him? part 1

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Buffy's P.O.V

*Andi's house*

"Tell me" Andi said to me. "What am I suppose to tell you" I replied. "TELL ME THAT YOU LIKE MARTY"!!!look I don't know why she is yelling at me like that, I mean I don't like him. "Look andi what don't you get, I don't like him...ughhh this conversation would have never even started if it wasn't for cyrus asking that....QUESTION!!!WAIT A SECOND THIS ALL CYRUS'S FAULT .CYRUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSS!!!!!!". I glared at cyrus. This whole thing wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for him and his big mouth. "This is all your fault cyrus why are you so stupid". "What...I didn't  mean for all of this to happen. Who would have thought that marty wouldn't answer my question, buffy and marty would start blushing at each other, you and andi would start arguing, "Ok cyrus we get it"Andi interrupted. 

"Ok then if you don't like marty then what do look for in a guy". Andi seemed focused on me after she asked that question. "I mean I guess nice, competitive, and cute.. "marty is all those  things" cyrus interrupted " he was nice to us, he's in the track team cause I say him with the track jacket, AND he is c to the u to the t-e cute sis :3". Cyrus smiled at me, but I didn't smile back.

Cyrus P.O.V

"hey guys im going to the bathroom brb guys". I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could. What buffy didn't know is that I took her phone with me to the bathroom. Ok I know this might be kind of messed up but im going to text marty on Buffy's phone and tell him to come to andi's house. I mean im trying to help buffy cause we all know that she likes him, she just needs... a push in the right direction. And that's my specialty.

C=cyrus M=marty (keep in mind that cyrus is on Buffy's phone)

C= hey martayyyyyyyyyyyy

M=Buffy you ok

C=yea I just need you to come to andi's house


C=I mean I know cyrus and andi is here and there awesome, especially cyrus he is the best . I mean he has the best hair in the world and he's the smartest guy ever. but I need you

M=you need me?

C=marty I want to see you I like talking to you  and I want you to join us at andi's sleepover


C=ok please come I just really want to be with you right now

Well now I layed the egg, I just need it to hatch it hehehe. So I came out the restroom and we all decided to drop the marty thing and watch a movie, but 5 minutes later *ring* ....the doorbell rang. "Did you guys order food"? I asked them and they said no. Oh deer.. it has to be marty. then. I didn't know he was going to come that quick. Oh lord. Its about to go down.

Me and buffy went to the door (well of course I went with her,I mean I wanna see how he approaches her). When we opened the door marty was standing there smiling. "Hi buffy......I came for you to see me..miss me". Marty was blushing like crazy. Buffy was blushing to. But out of nowhere *BAM* buffy fainted right on the floor.

Marty P.O.V

"WHAT HAPPENED...OMG BUFFY" Andi ran over to see buffy on the floor " Ill go get some water" andi ran to go get water. "Wow I knew that buffy was excited, but I didn't know
she was that excited " cyrus told me. Andi cam back with the water and poured it on buffy's face. "Hey I think buffy is waking up um do you mind if I talk to her" I asked them. "Yea sure come on cyrus lets go to my room and watch henry danger". "Ok". Cyrus and andi left to her room and left me with buffy. Buffy was starting to wake up. "Did..I ..faint?" buffy said slurring a little. "Yea... I think it was because you were blushing so hard. Maybe it was because you were so excited ".

I started blushing. I mean how could I help myself. Just the thought that buffy fainted ( well may have fainted ) because of me makes me feel so good inside.

Buffy P.O.V

I can believe I fainted. I don't know what happened, just the second I saw marty at the door my whole stomach started to have this weird feeling and I just fainted. I never did this before in front of any one before. I mean andi fainted when Jonah beck touched her hand and she had to go to the nurse but that was because she liked him and she was so happy. Wait a sec....nononononono I cant. It cant be true. There's no way. Do I like Marty?

follow/comment thoughts and ideas and I will be happy to read them.

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