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* I knew i was going to have to end the story now beacuse i havent had the time to publish....the ending is a little crazy but hope you enjoy* ( I will see  in the future when i have more time if i could TRY to make a jyrus fanfic )

Buffy P.O.V

IM SO HAPPY THAT THIS ALL ENDED WELL! Marty forgave me and he says he no longer talks to that liza girl THANK THE LORDS!

Marty P.O.V

Are me and buffy dating? Im not sure...i think we are. You know what they say though, "alls well ends well"...i think thats how you say it.

*at buffys house*

"So uhh buffy. Were dating now right?". Buffy looked at me and smiled. "Yes. But DONT YOU DARE THINK ABOUT BREAKING MY HEART OR I SHALL BREAK YOUR BONES!". "Oh dont worry i would never. So uhhh you wanna make our first kiss as an official couple?". "SURE!!!" Buffy screamed "i...i mean sure whatever".

Buffy P.O.V

He started to lean into me and i started to lean to him. We were about to kiss whenn all of a sudden "Ahhhhhhhh!!" I jumped up from what looked like a dream. But this was weird. I looked around and noticed i was in a hospital. My mom, Andi, and cyrus were on the couch and they was crying. They looked up at me. 

"BUFFY!!!" they all screamed. They all ran up to me and gave me hugs. "Wa...what happened" i asked in confusion. "You were in a coma" cyrus explained. "They were going to pull the plug if you didnt wake up by next week. Im SO happy you are ok." 

"Wait how long was i in a coma for?" I asked. "Sweety you were in a coma for about a month" my mom answered. A month.. i thought to myself. "How did i get into a coma?" I asked. "It was at the mall. When you were walking out of the mall some random dude dropped a brick on your head..as a "prank" he explained. 

"Weres marty" i asked suprised that he wasnt here...even though were a couple now. "Whos marty" andi and cyrus asked. "Hes that dude i introduced you to...we all went to the spoon...he asked me on a date...you guys helped me get ready..remember?"
"No all we have been doing for the last month is coming here and seeing if you were going to wake up" Andi explained. WHAT!! i thought to myself.  
"What about your party....cyrus you knew i met him there,
you were there when i met him..". "Buffy...andi canceled her party...you were in a coma the day before the party and andi was to sad to make it go on" My mom said.  

"What about that girl liza i told you about andi...."
"Nope" never happened.
A dude walk in the room. he looked very familiar. IT WAS MARTY!!
"Ahhhh" marty screamed "i have no idea who you are..your mom must have told you that i was the doctors son". He looked at my mother "my dad said he will be with in a moment". He looked at me with a disgusted looked, then walked out the room.

I could feel tears coming down my eyes. "Why are you crying sweety?" My mom asked. "You wanna know why im crying. YOU WANNA KNOW WHY IM CRYING. FINE. THAT DUDE THAT JUST WALKED IN I THOUGHT HE WAS MY BOYFRIEND. I THOUGHT THERE WAS THIS GIRL NAMED LIZA WHO WANTED HIM. I THOUGHT ME AND MARTY KISSED WHEN HE WAS MAD AT ME. I THOUGHT HE FOGAVE ME AND WE WERE GONNA KISS TO MAKE IT OFFICIAL. I THOUGHT ME AND HIM MET AT ANDI'S PARTY. I THOUGHT LIFE WAS GOING TO AWSOME WITH HIM IN MY LIFE. BUT IT WAS ALL ONE BIG LIE!!!! YOU KNOW WHAT...im sorry for my tone...umm can i please just have some time to myself." I asked. They didnt answer. I quess they were shocked by my answer. They all just got up...and left. My mom peaked her head threw the door. "Sweety i know you might of had the dream you thought was true...but that dosent mean you cant still talk to marty". She closed the door. 

The doctor walked in 5min later. "Hi buffy your mom just told me that you had a little melt down..so im going to uhh make this quick. Since you didnt have any major brain an head injuries you can be released".

"REALLY!!THANKS DOCTOR" i said with joy
"Now im going to leave before you explode on me" he laughed as he walked out the room.

*15 minutes later*

As i was about to leave the hospital..still on edge about the whole coma thing, i spoted marty at the waiting lounge. I waked up to him.

"Hi marty..." i said nervously

"Ohh..uhh..hi random person who some what knew my name"

"Ohh..im so sorry about that..it a long story"

"Oh no problem. I was kinda creeped out a first but then i realized that it was kinda cool that you a cute girl like you already knew my name. Creepy..but cool."

"Well then as your friend i can be as creeply cute as much as you want want me to be"He took out a sheet of paper, wrote something down and gave it to me

"Dont read it until you leave". He said as he looked down and smiled and looked back up at me. "Well i better be going. See ya" 

"See ya"

When i got in the car andi and cyrus were staring at me with a smile their face. "Whats up with you two" i asked. "Nothing" they said as they looked down at their phones.

When i saw that everyone in the car was not looking at me i took out the card marty gave to me. It said
~I would love to here the story of how you know my name. Call me 475-947-9367~

Hmp...maybe that dream can come true.

Thanks for reading this short story called Muffy. I know it was quick..sorry. If you want you can follow me on my instagram Im_Talya

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