Walk in the woods

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He looked out his door making sure he heard the front door shut meaning that his roommate had left the apartment.  He let out a puff of air as he walked out to the living area that was also a makeshift kitchen.  There were clothes everywhere along with dishes.  He groaned and glared at the door hoping that his roommate could fell the daggers coming from him.   He gritted his teeth and started to clean up the room putting his roommate's dirty clothes next to his door.  He then proceeded to the dishes.  Once everything was cleaned up off the floor, couch, and table he opened the closet door to grab the broom to sweep up the crumbs.  When he heard the key turn in the door he panicked and ran into the closet.

"Yeah, man don't worry my roommate stays in his room if he knows what is best for him," He heard the deep voice of his roommate, "That little fag, he touched my shit!" 

Calvin gulped and hugged the handle of the broom.

"Faggit git your ass out here!" he heard his roommate bang on the door to his room, "If you don't answer me I will break your door!"

"Dude he probably isn't even in there," his friend said.

"Oh he is still here he wouldn't have left without sweeping and moping that anal little fag,"  Calvin heard more bags on his door he let out a gasp and covered his mouth quickly.

"Did you hear that?" his friend said.  Then Calvin saw the handle to the closet start to turn.  When it opened Calvin locked eyes with a six-foot tan buffed man, "Bruce, man, is this the roommate? I thought you said he was out of the closet not in it."

They both laughed, "Come here you little fag," Bruce grabbed his upper arm and pulled him out of the closet, "I thought I told you that I don't want your faggy hands to touch my stuff!" he growled in his face.

"And I thought I told you I don't like messes," Calvin said shaking.

"Just get out of here I have friends coming over and I don't want you trying to get at them," he pushed Calvin to the door.

Calvin quickly opened the door and ran out and down the stairs and into the woods next to the student housing.  He ran in enough so there was no buildings insight then leaned against a tree.  It was only three weeks into the new semester and he had been in hell ever since.  He missed his old roommate.  Charlie was okay with him being gay they had fun together watching chick flicks then scary movies.  Charlie was even okay with Calvin hiding behind him or hugging him for support.  He felt a tear roll down his face he wiped it away. Then looked around making sure that no one could see him.  He started to strip as his boxers landed on the pile he jumped onto his hands.  In mid-air, he transformed into a red fox. 

He landed on all fours then picked up his clothes in his mouth and moved them under his usual bush and he took off running.  Running always helped him clear his mind.  He ran to the stream and started to drink when he heard a yelp come from across the stream.  He picked up his ears to try and find out if he should run or help.   He heard the sound of a footstep then the click of a gun.   He quickly ran to the yelp to see a deer caught in a bear trap.  He looked down at it then up at the panicked deer.  He quickly put his tongue to the roof of his mouth and let out a high pitch sound even the deer dropped to the ground he quickly turned into his in-between form that was stronger than his human self and undid the trap.  Soon as the deer was free he changed back into a fox and ran in the same direction as the limbing deer.  He directed it to the stream then turned back to his human self.  The deer didn't try and run from him she just took a drink of water as he approached her to examen her wounds.  

"Poor girl," he patted her back then worked down her leg to see the damage.  It wasn't broke thank god.  He used the stream to clean her wound, "There you go, girl, just take it easy."  

She looked down at her foot then up at him and licked his cheek then took off.  He waved then turned back into a fox and walked back to his clothes.  He felt like he had eyes on him he looked around not seeing anything and knowing there was a hunter out here he started to run.  He dived under the bush listining for anything.  Not hearing anything he quickly changed then put his clothes on.   As he stepped out of the wood he looked down at his phone he was going to be late to his biology class he ran down the path that led to the college.  He stopped running because he felt eyes on him again.  Looking out into the trees he squinted to find the eyes, but there was nothing.  He shrugged it off and ran to Biology.  

After class, he went to the library to study but mostly to wait for his roommate to fall asleep.  

"Sir?" he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"What?" he jumped up from his slumber, "What time is it?"

"It's two in the morning the time you told me to wake you if you fell asleep," the overnight librarian smiled, "Young man I will have to bet that your own bed is comfier than this old desk."

"Yeah," he rubbed his eyes and picked up the books and papers, "Thank you, Ma'am."

She smiled, "No problem," she quickly turned and walked back to her desk.

Calvin walked back to his dorm slowly until the hair on the back of his neck stood up.  He started to run back as quick as he could.  When he got in he locked the door behind him and quickly got into his room locking that door too.  He fell onto his bed changing into a fox to crall out of his clothes and curled up in his bed.  

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