Running Buddies

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Calvin woke up stretched then jumped off his bed landing on his feet he walked over to the window. He squinted and covered the sun with his hand as he looked down at the trees only to see a dear with the little fennec fox on her back looking up at him he backed away from the window. He looked down at his alarm clock he had an hour before his English class. He shifted into his half form and listened for his roommate. He didn't hear any breathing so ether he is dead or gone. Calvin sniffed the air, he was gone, death would leave a destinct smell. He grabbed his robe, towel, shampoo, soap, and his hair brush to take a shower.  When he finished the shower he dried himself off then put his clothes on then started to dry his hair with the hair dryer.  He stepped out of the bathroom to find Bruce passed out on the couch.  Calvin slowly side stepped him going into his room putting his stuff away and grabbing his backpack.  He closed his door then ran out of the dorm to his English class. 
He got there with five minutes to spare.  He sat down pulling his binder out along with his pens.  He opened the binder and looked over his notes from last week. 
When class was over he packed up his stuff and was about to stand up.  A tall red head with green and blue tips girl stopped in front of him.
"You are Calvin?" She asked crossing her arms.
Calvin looked up at her eyebrows raise as he nodded.
"Good," she placed a hand on his desk so she can lean down to him, "Stay away from Lucas.  He does not need your influence."
"Ma'am," Calvin stood up this isn't the first time a girl has told him to stay away from her man, "You don't have to worry I'm not into straight guys. You have nothing to worry about."
"Straight why would you say that?" She shook her head, "Never mind just stay away from him," she stood up straight and walked out of the room.
Calvin rolled his eyes and grabbed his gym bag and backpack and headed down to the gym. 

He was running around the track listening to his music. Around his third lap someone tapped him on his shoulder.  He jumped stopping and pulling out his headphones, "Dude!"  He looked over. To see Lucas laughing.
"Sorry man it took me forever to catch up to you," he laughed, "I tried calling out to you but I guess you couldn't hear me," he pointed to his ears.
"Why are you following me," Calvin started to run again.
"I'm not I just happen to have free time to come to the gym," he smiled keeping up with him, "You being here is just a plus."
"You know your girlfriend told me to stay away from you," Calvin said putting his headphones in his pocket.
Lucas loss pace for a second then sped up to him, "I don't have a girlfriend.  Who told you to stay way from me and what exactly did she say?"
"She had red hair with green and blue-"
"Oh I am going to kill her," Lucas shook his head, "That would be Ember my pain in the ass sister."
"A sister good to know," Calvin smiled, "She told me to stay away from you because you do not need to be influenced by me.  You need to tell her that I am not a gay that tries to turn everyone around me gay."
"That wasn't the influence she was talking about," his breathing started to increase, "Do you think we can slow down for a lap?"
"This is my slow pace," Calvin laughed, "Then what influence was she referring to?"
"Art. I just told her last night that I might change my major.  She half way lost her shit," Lucas laughed trying to keep up with him, "How often do you run?"
"I try to run everyday but with classes I can only run on Tuesdays and Thursdays," Calvin said as he just finished his fourth lap, "Just four more laps to go.  You still want to follow me?"
"Man how could someone as scrawny as you be this good," he laughed.
"Hey! I am stronger then I look.  And look who is talking why does someone as buff and in shape as you not be able to keep up," Calvin laughed and punched his arm.
"Nice so you have been checking me out," he smiled.
"Well um..." Calvin blushed, "It was hard not to notice that."
"It's okay," he laughed, "Okay I am going to walk a lap let me know when you are about to pass me."
"Come on you can keep up," Calvin smiled and started to run backwards keeping an eye on him, "Come one It is just one foot in front of the other just a little bit faster come on one, two, three, four."
Lucas shook his head, "I hate you right now," he started to speed up. 

They were on their last lap, "Come on Lucas we are almost there," Calvin waved him on.
"No, I can't just leave me here I'll die in peace don't worry about me," he huffed out, "Go go on without me."
"Stop being so dramatic," Calvin rolled his eyes as he finished the lap and started to slow down to a walk, "Now we get to lazy walk for a lap."
"Oh now you want to walk," Lucas grabbed his side.
"You know you didn't have to keep up," Calvin took a drink of water.
"Yes, I did because you challenged me," he took a drink of water and poured some on his face.
"Haha, but you did do it," Calvin clapped him on his back.
"Yeah, I'm just not used to running," Lucas huffed.
"It's not that bad if you do it more often," Calvin laughed.
"I'll take your world on that for now on you are on your own for running," he wiped his forehead.
"Oh come on it wasn't that bad," Calvin smiled.
"Yes it was you amaze me little boy," Lucas took an other drank of water.
"Who you calling little?" Calvin stopped putting his hands on his hips.
"You," Lucas laughed and ruffled Calvin's hair.
Calvin slapped his hand away, "Ass."
"We are done with walking right?" He bent over placing his hands on his knees.
"Yes, but I am running up to my dorm to take a shower see you tomorrow in biology," he picked up his stuff and started to walk up to the dorms.
"Shit," Calvin looked back at a defeated Lucas, "You know what I think I'm just going to pass out here for the night."
"You live in the dorms too?" Calvin asked.
"Yeah I room with my sister," Lucas sat down on the bench.
"Come on," Calvin walked up to him, "I'll help you up there.  It is my fault that you are in pain."
"I'm not in pain," Lucas looked up at him Calvin looked down at him eyebrows raised, "Okay."
Calvin tried to help him support himself but he was too heavy, "Okay man you are going to have to try to support yourself, I will be here in case you fall."
"Thanks," They started to walk together.
When they reached the dorms Calvin looked up, "Please tell me that your room isn't on the third floor?"
"No it is on the ground floor thank the lord," Lucas smiled, "You are a kind person, Calvin."
"Don't thank me thank my parents they are the ones that raised me this way," Calvin smiled, "I could never leave a damsel in distress," Calvin started to laugh as Lucas pushed him away.
"Hey," he laughed then stopped at a door 145, "This would be me."
"Take care," Calvin was about to step away.
"Wait, Calvin," Lucas grabbed his arm, "The thing you said earlier."
"What thing?"
"About me being straight," Lucas pulled Calvin closer so he can whisper in his ear, "I never said I was."
Calvin's eyes widen he tried to say something.  Lucas unlocked his door and ran into his room living Calvin dumbfounded.  He blinked then walked to the woods he lend against a tree trying to think about what had happened.  Why would he tell him that was he interested in him?  Calvin slid down to the ground and put his head on his knees. 
"I can't get involved with anyone again," he looked up to the tree tops, "Not being what I am."
"Yep," he looked down to see the little fennec fox sitting in front of him head tilted.
"Hello there little one," Calvin smiled, "What are you doing out here?"
The fox made a circle then sat back down.
"This isn't your kind of area.  Did you escape from somewhere?" Calvin stood up looking around.
The fox made another circle then motioned with his head to the right of him.
"Do you want me to follow you?"
The fox looked up at him then took off running.
"Hey, wait for me," Calvin called out jumping onto all four paws.  He took off running after the little guy.
They where running until the sun was starting to set.  They stopped running, the little fennec fox walked up to Calvin.  Calvin sat panting and snacking his head.  The fox jumped up and yipped then started to chase his tale for three circles then sat down looking up at Calvin.  He huffed as he watched the silly fox he pawed the ground then looked around and sifted into his half form.
"You know this is my second run of the day that is the only reason you where always a head of me," Calvin smiled as his tale waged.
The fox tilted his head up at him.  He slowly walked up to Calvin and sniffed his foot.
"It's okay little one I wont hurt you," he smiled down at him reaching out a hand claw to him to sniff before he petted the fox, "You are a cute little thing."
The little fox jumped away from him and turned around flicking its tale.
"You don't like being called little?" Calvin asked.
The fox looked over his shoulder eyes narrowed.
"Okay I apologize you are the biggest fennec I have ever met," Calvin laughed as the little fox jumped and turned to face him waging his tale, "You are very odd big guy."
The fox ear tilted to hear something his eyes widened as he looked behind him then up at Calvin then took off running.
"Where you going, Fennec?" Calvin called he shifted into a fox and tried to follow him but again he lost the scent within a hour.  Calvin decided to turn around and head back to the dorm to sleep.

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