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Two weeks later Nuaimat was up in her office, today she wore a sleeveless mint green and white polka dot long gown, and then a white halve blazer with golden belt and gold links, saw her hair was in a white turban,

Zaid burst open the door followed by Naomi, "what have you being up to this days" he asked clearly angry

"What" she asked still seated,

"You are lacking behind, you failed to attend to two international partners, do you know what we loss, you fail to be present for today's board meeting, you were needed to make the presentation to the board, you failed to set up the meeting with the new partnership company in Taiwan, what have you being doing" he was angry, so angry as he spoke

"Fine i get it, i did all that, but i have a lot going on, on my tables, wedding planning, and alot of stuffs, give me a break" said Nuaimat

"Break, there is no break, you think it's a piece of cake working in here, you thought you signed up for what, for fun, you are wrong, you have to be sensible and fill in the gap you created, i never had any rift in my company, not even with this particular directory so don't make me have one"

"I said am sorry, what is all this about" she said pouting, "is all about business, strictly business and as from today, there is nothing between us in the office but business, i think that will make you more useful" he ended and walked out, Naomi followed suit,

She was shocked and mouth agape, just when her phone rang, on picking the phone she saw the headmistress of Tanisha's school,

"Hello Mrs. Debbie"

"Miss Nuaimat, am sorry we called you this time, but we need you in school, like right now"

"Assure me my daughter is in good health first"

"Calm down, she is"

"I will be there" with that she grabbed her hand bag, and went out, without informing anybody, she took the chauffeur who drove her straight to the school, she was lead to the headmistress office,

"Why will i be called, is just first day of resumption" she said as she walked in, "Miss Nuaimat i apologize please sit down" said the woman, on sitting down, Tanisha and two white girls were brought in, "Ma'am today Tanisha was caught in a fight with this two girls"

"Mummy, they started it, they said i had no father" said Tanisha

"What" exclaimed Nuaimat

"Yes, they said, there parents told them that i was born without a father that i am a bastard" added Tanisha,

"So why am i here Miss Debbie" asked Nuaimat

"It's against the school rules to fight, am afraid she has to go on suspension"

"She, suspension, wait i thought you just heard what she narrated, why she alone for the suspension" asked Nuaimat

"She started it, besides we can't suspend, their families are founders of this will be very... rude to do that"

"Then Tanisha stays"

"We have to set an example"

"You dare not use my daughter as  a scape goat, how dare you, are nuts" snapped Nuaimat

"Miss.. "shut up Miss Debbie, and let me tell you this, am gonna make your life a living hell for this, and oh yes it's a threat, come on Tanisha you are better off with this school" with that Nuaimat stood up and pulled her daughter out.

Back at home, Zaid and Nuaimat were having an argument, in the presence of Muayad and Zohra, Tanisha was already sleeping, "you were not suppose to threaten her, she was just doing her job" he yelled,

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