Chapter 1

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Song: Oh Honey - Sugar You
Maxine P.O.V.:
I was awaken by the loud ringing of my alarm, wait erase that. I was awaken by the loud voice from my dear manager, Mistie.

"WAKE UP, GIRLS!!!!! IT IS ALWAYS GOOD TO WAKE UP VERY EARLY IN THE MORNING!" The alarm "shouted" again as I tried to ignore it.

Then suddenly, I heard blankets moving and then cold air started to hit in my feet.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed as I wrapped my knees around my hands. The temperature of my aircon will always go low especially at 4 am in the morning. I mentally noted myself to fix the aircon or I would practically live in Antartica.

"Good morning to you too." Mistie smirked with sarcasm in her words as she throw my blanket back to me.

I groaned as I try to sleep again. People always say that I should feel lucky or blessed that I got fans with me and I was able to do the thing that I want to do. But sometimes, there would always be times I wish I was a normal person who goes to college and meet new people unlike waking up at 4 am for no reason.

Since I can't sleep back anymore, I decided to take a bath. It was a quick shower rather since I could hear Mistie shouting again to us that we would for about 30 minutes. I changed into a plain black shirt and black pants. I applied a little bit of make up which includes mascara and lipstick and brought my already packed suitcase for the tour.

"Heyyy..." Isabella slung her arm around me and said as she walked down with me in the stairs towards the kitchen. I replied to her as we started to eat the food that Mistie prepared for us. Two minutes later, Alisha went down with her two suitcases and ate with us. Not long after, Violet walked to the kitchen with half of her eyes close. I could tell she was very sleepy. She slept so late last night because she was caught up with The Maze Runner series. The three if us girls looked at Violet as we laughed silently as she stumbled. Good thing she was too sleepy to notice. As we 4 finished our food, we went to the living room and prepared our suitcases. Aside from the things that's happening right now, I'm very excited to do this world tour. It is an opportunity to work with two big and amazing bands.

As we went out, the cold air hit in my face as we walk briskly inside our car. I watch as the car move until our house can't be seen. I plugged in my earphones and played my own songs as it motivates me for the upcoming tour. The ride took almost 1-2 hours until we reach the airport.

-At the airport-

"Okay babies. Let's go first to Starbucks and wait for the two bands to arrive." Mistie said as we walk to the door in Starbucks. The strong smell of coffee is so addicting that it made me want to drink one right now.

I ordered my cappuccino, so did the others and we sat on the chairs. While waiting, I decided to tweet on twitter on my account about the upcoming tour.

So excited for the tour! Can't wait to see all of you😁😍😘

I closed my phone and sipped my coffee. Suddenly, someone shouted to us.

"Girlies, come here!" Mistie called us as we walked towards her. Then there stood 4 boys and 4 girls with there manager beside them. They soon introduce themselves as we sat hello to them.

"Hey guys! I'm Violet and this are my friends/bandmates, Maxine, Isabelle, and Alisha. And we are M.I.V.A." Violet said as we waved at them. They waved back and exchange hello's and hi's.

"Okay guys. Since we're settled, let's board." Joe, the manager said as we followed him.

We started to check-in our bags and went inside. We decided to eat breakfast on one of the restaurants here in the airport. We still have 1 and a half our to kill the time so we entertained ourselves.

Soon enough, our flight has been called.


Yes! We finally landed in L.A. It was so uncomfortable to sit on a chair for so long. We got out luggage and got inside on the van that Mistie rented for us. Throughout the whole journey we mostly talk about the shows for tomorrow night.

We arrived at our hotel and assigned ourselves for each room. I decided to share a room with Isabelle. We went to our rooms and do stuffs that we need to do. I decided to go out for a walk.

"Hey, where you going?" Belle ask as she saw me walk to the door.

"I'm taking a walk outside, wanna come?" I said, part of me wish she would say no because I want to walk alone peacefully.

"Nah, too sleepy. Don't take too long!" She yawned while tucking in her blankets.

"Yeah" I said as I closed the door. I went to the elevator and went outside. It was so cold outside and I cursed myself for not bringing my jacket or any thick cloth. I continued walking, mesmerizing the amazing view. I should be very thankful for what I have and am right now. Without Mistie and the whole M.I.V.A., I wouldn't be here right now, doing the thing that I want to do.

"Hey, you cold? I have a jacket with me." Someone said behind me. I hesitated to turn since I'm very protective over myself. But that voice sounds like a good person who doesn't snatch someone's purse.

I turned and see the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen.

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