Chapter 3

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Song: Cimorelli - Hearts On Fire

Maxine's P.O.V.:
We were able to eat breakfast at 11 am. We all planned that we are going to go around L.A. for a few hours before going to our venue for sound check. We all gathered in the lobby. But it wasn't easy, because there are fans waiting outside in the hotel. So our managers started to plan on how to go to our vans without getting hurt. We went out first, screams getting louder as we hurried to the van. But I can't help it, I started to stay and signed some notebooks, greeting the fans, and taking pictures with them.

Suddenly, I felt someone grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the van. The fans screamed louder when they realize who was pulling me. I turned to see who it was, blonde, messy hair was the first thing I saw, Connor.

"Connor, Maxine, HURRY!" I heard James shouted and signaled us to go to the van.

We sat beside each other and waited for the others to come. I heard people giggling and turned to find where the source is. It turns out, almost everyone is looking at us while giggling.

"What's funny?" I said in curiosity. I looked at Connor and he gave me a shrug, which means he doesn't know. I gave them a weird look while waiting for anyone to tell us.

"You guys, your hands." Tris said sheepishly as I looked at my hands, no wait, our hands. Sure enough, our hand were clasped together. I blushed as I moved my hand out of his, feeling a little bit disappointed. But he held my hand and intertwined it with his hand.

"Don't worry, I like it this way." As he said that, everyone started screaming like a maniac while we were blushing rapidly. Thank god our managers shut them before they got more noisy. I sighed in relief as they all stopped teasing us. But then, I got a messaged from Violet? Why would she text me when we are just at the same van? With curiosity, I opened it.

So about you and Connor, what's going on?

I blushed and got annoyed at the same time. I looked at her and she poked her tongue out of her mouth while I did the same. I know this teasing plan won't end so soon. Or it will.

-After a few hours-

We all walked together going to a restaurant that our managers reserved for us. My arm was slung around Alisha's head as we head to the restaurant. After the incident wherein they teased me and Connor, we stopped talking. Not that he was awkward with them shipping us. He still talks to me a little bit. He just seems more comfortable talking to a girl which I assume was the one in the band called G.R.L. Kaitlin or Katlyn? I don't know. Me and Alisha moved forward a little bit because we were too far away from the group.

"Hi." Alisha greeted to the 3 girls beside us. We saw them gushing over something or someone.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked them curiously.

"Connor and Kaitlin is so cute together. Real talk, they would be a very cute couple." They said while screaming slightly. I tensed. They weren't there when The Vamps and M.I.V.A. teased me and Connor so they did not know. I could see Alisha looking at me with concerned eyes. I took a deep breath before saying something.

"Oh yeah, they really look good together." I admitted while looking at the two people playfully fighting with each other. Kaitlin's arm was slung on Connor's neck while Connor's hand was around her waist. They rested their heads on each other. My heart started to crack a little. When suddenly, the three girls we talked to went near them and videoed them. Sure enough, this would go to social media and everyone will know. With that, I looked away from them. Tears sprung into my eyes but good thing I was able to wipe them.

Belle walked to me and gave me a long side hug. She really knows what I feel because she told us that she have been to this kind of situation. I looked over and see 3/4 of The Vamps looking at me with a sad face. I know they feel sorry for me. Especially the fact that they know that I liked Connor. I mouthed to them "I'm okay". They gave me a nod and smiled but I know they weren't convinced. I let it slide as we continued walking to the restaurant.

-At the restaurant-

We all ordered our food and waited for it to serve. I was too busy talking to Tris and James. I always have this passion to play guitars and drums. I asked them some techniques on how to play it and some advices. But actually, I wasn't really listening that much I was focused to two people on the other side of the table. One person was holding her phone while talking while the other person placed his arm around her, his somewhat like protecting her from anyone. You guys know who they are already so I don't have to tell you guys. They were laughing about something interesting that I didn't notice James snapping his fingers in front of me.

"What?" I said too harsh until I realize it. I gave them a sorry look while looking at my hands.

"You don't have to tell us the reason why. We already know." They laughed as I gave them a watch out look.

"We're very sorry about what happened and what's happening right now. We don't know if Connor has feelings for you or not. We'll surely talk to him tonight." They said as they looked at Connor and Kaitlin. They were know leaning each other's head on their shoulders. I almost cried, but was able to recover. The waiter brought our foods on our table.

"Its okay guys, I'm already used to this kind of situations." I accidentally said. I widened my eyes looking at them, I tried to low down my reaction, but they noticed it.

"Really?" They whisper-asked me, really curious to know. I nodded my head and sadly smiled before eating my food.

-After lunch-

After eating out lunch, we went to our venue for our first show. We, M.I.V.A. were the first one to have our soundcheck. We sang our list of sings that was arranged by Isabelle. We practiced some of the songs that we need to improve before having a rest. After half an hour, we were done. We went to our dressing room and changed into our outfit for tonight. I'll be wearing a black denim jacket and a skirt with black boots. We waited for our show which was a few hours left. We did a meet and greet with our fans one hour before the show.

-The Show-

"M-I-V-A. MIVA!!!" We did our cheer before entering the stage. The screams got louder as we waved them. We did a little introduction with our names before performing. This scene is always my inspiration to do my best for my career because our fans is our reason why we are here performing in a huge arena. We started playing our songs like No More Sad Songs, I'm A Mess, Up At Night and others.

-After a few minutes-

"So guys, our next song that would be performing is something that I can relate. It always hurt whenever your crush doesn't like you, right? Especially if you're really determined to be with him. When I experience these situations, I just sing my heart out. So this is called 'Hearts On Fire' and I hope you guys can sing along" I said as the track played.

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