Chapter 9

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Avril Lavigne, Chad Kroeger - Let Me Go
Connor's P.O.V.:
"Wake up, babe." Kaitlin shook me. I opened my eyes and saw a pair of blue eyes which belongs to my girlfriend. Her presence always make me look forward everyday. I greeted her back as I stood up. The sun was shining at the front. She is already dressed and prepared for today so she is waiting for me.

After a few minutes, she started calling me to get ready. I stood up, stumbling a little bit and closed the door of the bathroom. I started doing my morning routine for ten minutes then changed into my clothes.

Prepared, we took the things that we need and went to the buffet. We all found them in one big table, which I assumed Joe reserved. Some are already eating and some are still getting their food. We greeted all of them, took our seats and went to the buffet area. We were able to pick various of foods.

After eating, Joe announced to us that we would have to hurry up since we will be going to the venue directly. We all went to the lobby, completely packed with our instruments. One by one, we all went inside our designated vans that Joe reserved for us.

It was just a usual and boring ride. We were all too sleepy to make even one joke. This shows that we all are not morning persons.

As soon as we reached the venue, we all went out, hoping that we wont encounter any fans. We were able to go inside this big building successfully. We started doing soundcheck, making sure that we can still catch up with the meet and greet that will happen later.

After we finished taking turns in doing sound check, we all went to the place where we would do the meet and greet.

As soon as the fans saw us, they started screaming. We all greeted and thanked them before they started moving. All of them were so happy to see us. They were so determined to share their personal stories and sufferings. This is one of the things that I like about meet and greets. Our fans were able to express what they feel and get encouragement and boost their confidence from us.

"Thank you so much!" I said to a fan who was crying upon seeing us. I gave her a hug and told her good things which made her cry. She was the last person in line before we will take a rest for the show. When all the doors are closed, the security brought us back to our rooms. The crew took the boxes that has all the gifts that we received.

We were all worn out just from the M&G, but I am in need of Starbucks. So even if I am so tired, I grabbed all the strength that I have and went out of the building.

As I entered Starbucks, the smell of coffee beans and bread was the first thing I smelled. I smiled upon seeing the menu and the cakes that are displayed. I ordered my usual favorite and sat at a table farthest from the cashier. In a usual Starbucks store, the customers are usually the ones who get their food or drinks.

But guess what, my order was already placed infront of me. I looked up and saw a girl, probably on her teenage life, 14 or 15. She gave me that smile which scared me.

"Are you a worker here?" I hesistantly said. She is not wearing the unifrom nor have an ID badge. She sighed and sat at the seat infront of me.

"I'm actually a fan." She said giving me a small smile. I know what she might be sayinh next; gonna ask for a picture or an autograph. I was mentally preparing myself for it but instead she said the words that I wasn't expecting.

"Of M.I.V.A." She smiled wider as she showed me the wallpaper of her phone which shows a picture of them. I sigh in relief.

"Do you want me to do anything for them?" I suggested to her but she declined the offer.

"I want to tell you about Max's feelings." She said which made me curious.

"For?" I raised my eyebrows, eager to know. She took a deep breath look around before saying that 1 word.


Me? No way. I have a girlfriend. She knows that. Then I remembered the exact same words she told me during the night we ment.

"Con, love is an uncontrollable feeling. We can't tell it to stop loving nor keep loving. If someone likes you while you're in relationship, don't judge her for loving you. Appreciate the fact that you hace been admired by someone."

"Oh." The only word that I can say for now. That's why I get it. Why she have been distancing away from me. Because she is scared, too scared to let her love for me grew bigger especially if I'm in a relationship. I now felt the feeling of admiration. And the best thing that I could do is apologize. Apologoze to her for not acknowledging and realizing her love for me.

"I have to go. I'm so sorry." I said in a hurry motion. She nodded in acceptance as I grabbed my coffee and things before rushing out of the store.

I have to admit, this was probably the fastest walk I've ever did without bumping anyone. I guess faith brought me here. But then as soon as I entered the lobby, I unfortunately bumped into someone. When I looked down, I saw a brownish black hair. Maxine.

"Max, I'm sorry." I said as I helped her stood up. Her eyebrows furrowed upon hearing what I said.

"For what?" She asked adjusting herself.

"For not knowing how you feel towards me." I bowed my head and slightly combed my hair.

"Con, it's okay. It's just a feeling. I would get over it eventually. Jusr focus first the most important things in your life like The Vamps or Kaitlin." She said reassuring me. Huh? It's okay for her? From what I've expected, she would tell me how hurt or broken she was for the past few days.

"What about you?" I asked.

"Like what I said, I would get over it." She said. I gave her a big hug. Feeling relief that there would be no tension already between us.

"Now go to your girlfriend and show her how much you love her." She said as she shoo me away. I laughed from what she did. I throwed the cup that used to be filled with the coffee and went to the elevator. I rang the door of my room and it soon revealed my girlfriend.

I immediately gave her a comforting hug. She seem surprised for a while but then hugged me back later.

"What's wrong." She said as we both walked to the bed, still hugging.

"I love you." I said looking to her eyes. "And I meant every word I said." She smiled and replied back with 'I love you' also. It was indeed the best decision I've ever made; to go to Starbucks.

Thanks for those wisdom words, wait, scratch that. For those deep and meaningful words, Max. I would still remember the night we met.

the night we met : connor ball Where stories live. Discover now