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A teenager wearing a highschool uniform and holding a fast-track bag, with brown hair was walking towards a black car but was stopped when he heard someone calling out for him, "Big brother!", he stopped in his tracks and looked back seeing a smaller version of himself only cuter.  

"What is it Issei?", he asked his younger brother

"B-big brother w-where are you going?", he asked through snotts

"I'm going abroad to study Issei", answered the older brother only for it to sadden Issei more

" it because of me...?", asked Issei only for his brother to smile and Kneel to his level

"Of course not Issei, I'm just getting a better education, then I'm coming back as soon as possible, alright", he explained as little Issei nodded, though still sad at his brother's departure. The older brother smiled at this before remember something, "Oh! Before I forget", he then takes out a pendant and puts it around Issei's neck, "Always Keep this pendant with you and remember, I'll always be watching over you. Then when I come back we can play all you want", he said before placing it on Issei's fore head.

Issei stood there for a few seconds, then dried his tears  and looked him in the eyes, "Pinky Promise?", he lifted his finger up only for his brother to intertwine it chuckling

"Pinky Promise", all of a sudden they heard a honk coming from the car as a man stood beside it,"Alright, I gotta go, now Issei behave yourself while I'm gone ok?", the older brother then stood up ruffling the young brunette's hair

"Right!", shouted Issei now smiling and running back to his parents as they too were outside wishing there son goodbye, " Don't forget your promise big brother!", he reminded and all his brother did was gesture the goodbye with a 2 finger salute.


That was the sound of an alarm clock, stopping it was a teenage boy with a good build, he has brown hair and brown eyes, "Sigh~ not's been 11 years already Issei, why can't you get over this already....", that was Issei Hyoudou, currently studying in Kuoah Academy.

He went down stairs to eat breakfast, wishing his parents good morning and leaving off to school.

~Time-skip Elsewhere~

It was nearing the afternoon as a ship was sailing, and on it the crew were relaxing for the time being, most on the deck while others were inside minding their own business, on the deck of the ship stood a man, bandages covering his body along with a broken arm, his face too was covered with bandages like he just came from a war, he has long black hair and brown eyes, he also has a light beard.

He was looking on at the distance hopping to see something,"Hey Kai!", someone called for him, the raven head turned around and saw a man who appears to be older than him, with short black hair walking towards him and smiling.

"Hey Jack...", the man now named Kai greeted back, his friend leaned back on the railings near him, and light a cigarette.

"So what're you doing on the deck, shouldn't you be resting?", asked Jack as he blew away the smoke, as Kai just smiled still looking at the distance.

"Just looking towards home I guess", answered the raven head,"And looking forward to seeing my baby brother all grown up and eating my mother's cooking again", he chuckled.

*To be continued*

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