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"Franklin Anthony Iero Jr.! Get in here!" I heard my dad yell from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and got up from the couch. I loved having my parents back, I missed getting yelled at by my dad. My dad stood in the kitchen, his arms crossed, and his eyes glaring at me. I heard shuffling and then my mom appeared beside me with her bags in her hands. He looked between us with her brows raised.

"What's going on?" She asked slightly out of breath. I shrugged and merely shook my head. My dad was probably furious over a simple thing that doesn't make sense in any sane mind.

"Frank, does the liquor cabinet look... More empty to you?" He asked sarcastically, raising his brows at me. I just shrugged and stuffed my hands in my pant pockets. My dads nostrils flared and he closed his eyes, putting his hand on the counter behind him. My mom turned to me with a face of disapproval.

"Frank..." She said quietly. I looked at them, clear offense in my expression, I sighed and looked at my dad.

"It wasn't me! I don't drink! I don't steal any of your stuff-!"

"What about the five dollars in my wallet?!" My dad asked enraged. My mouth went dry, and my body tense. My mom stared at me in disbelief. My dad only raised his eyebrows at me, waiting for a reply.

"You were passed out drunk on the couch! You always are when moms not home!" I explained. I wanted my dad to get the glare of disappointment this time, not me. I looked at me mom, and she stared at the ground. "Mom?"

"You can't steal your fathers money." She said simply. I scoffed and shook my head.

"He's an alcoholic. Nothing to say about that?" I asked impatiently. My mom only shook her head and looked between my dad and I. I let out a small sarcastic chuckle. "Un-fucking-believable." I said. My mom smacked my arm, but it didn't phase me, she was gentle.

"Watch you mouth! What'd you steal my money for?!" My father asked loudly. I didn't say anything. He stepped forward a little, trying to intimidate me. "Answer me!" He demanded. I clenched my fists.

"Nothing! Stop shitting on me all the time! Fuck you, fuck you, dad!" I yelled and stormed out of the house. I briskly walked to the river by the park and ignored my dads embarrassing screaming from the porch.
I threw a rock into the rushing water as I huffed from the cool night air. I tried pulling my sweatshirt against my body more, but it didn't help me. I tried skipping a flat stone across, but it ended up just splashing in the current. I bit my lip and went closer to the water. It blocked my hearing out for the most part, so feeling a hand on my shoulder scared me. I stood up quickly, stumbling and nearly falling into the river. I held a small rock in my hand ready to throw, until I saw that the person whom touched my shoulder, was just Jamia.

"Jesus, dude, calm down." She said sitting down next to me. We sat facing the river in the slight darkness of the night sky. Clouds rolled above us, the stars and planets sparkling overhead. "I'm sorry for getting mad at you." She apologized quietly. I looked over and slowly moved my hand to hers. Our fingers touched and she looked at me. We locked eyes and she smiled, holding my hand.

"No, uh-I'm, I'm sorry for... Being an ass to Gerard." I confessed awkwardly. I didn't apologize--ever. I never felt the need to; it was different with Jamia though. She looked at me confused and cocked an eyebrow.

"Gerard?" She asked. That's right, she didn't know the balloon boys name.

"The balloon cart boy." I clarified. She nodded and leaned her head on my shoulder. I rested my head against hers and we sat listening to the quiet rush of the small river. "Someone should put a fucking fence here. Some kid is gonna come down here and get hurt one of these days." I suggested. I felt Jamia nod her head. She sat up then, and turned to me, still holding my hand. She sat in my lap and my stomach jolted. My heart was racing and my cheeks were burning. She leaned forward and I brushed her hair behind her ears. Our lips connected, softly and warmly. We sat there still until we both silently agreed that we wanted this. Our lips moved slowly, my hands laying lightly on her waist, as her arms were wrapped around my neck. I pulled away and we looked at each other, a soft breeze fluttering her hair. I felt my heart beat faster as I looked at her. She smiled, and it was contagious.

"You're so cute." She giggled. I giggled with her and hung my head down. I slowly shook my head. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, and I sighed, pulling it out. It was a call from Bert. I decided to answer it this time; I was feeling generous.

"Hello?" I asked, picking at my nails.

"Dude! Dude! Get your tight ass over here!" He exclaimed. I raised my eyebrows and took a deep breath.

"Why?" I asked very confused. Bert is normally never this excited over things.

"Dude, one, it's your mom, she came here asking for you saying your dad needed to talk to you. And two, that Gerard guy? Something with him too, get over here!"

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