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I woke up by numerous texts from Bert. What a great way to wake up. All they were was him telling me to get up so we could go to the mall, nothing important. I sighed and got up, going downstairs to the empty house. I made some coffee and looked at all of Bert's hectic, and non proofread messages. A lot of them were just terrible, grammatically incorrect, spelling errors, everything. I heard the coffee machine beep and I got up, adding sugar and creamer to my coffee before heading upstairs to take a shower. I relaxed in the warm stream as finished my shower. I like showering, but sometimes I dreaded it because of how boring it is. I got dressed in my normal attire; black pants, plain black shirt, a long black sweater and some platform shoes.

I walked out the door and groaned as I realized my parents weren't here, so I had to take the bus. Thankfully there was money in my pocket so I could actually ride the bus, I walked the half mile to the bus stop. I waited for what felt like hours when I saw the bus pull up. I paid, and sat in the back. It was actually busy today, lots of old people. I thought I was going insane since I didn't finish my coffee, but I swore I saw a head of bright red hair. I looked out the window and wiped my eyes. I looked forward and sure enough, there sat the red head. I shrunk down in my seat when I saw him. I couldn't let him see me. I called him a fricking pedo last night. I sat slouched in my seat all the way to the mall, practically running off the bus so he wouldn't recognize me. What am I talking about? He wouldn't recognize me anyway.
I went to the food court like Bert told me to, and eventually found him with two smoothies in his hand. I went over and grabbed one from his hand.

"What if that was mine?" He asked sounding offended. I shrugged and we started walking around the mall and into a few different stores. Spencer's was by far my favorite store, and I unashamedly bought a few dick things that would need to be hidden. It was fucking candy though, so I'd eat it before my parents came back. They would freak out and assume I was gay without letting it go, and that was okay. Life was okay like that, I guess.

"Bert, I'm gonna look in Barnes and Noble, okay?" I asked as he nodded finishing his smoothie. We walked in looking around for a little while. Bert, however grew bored and waited outside. My dads birthday was coming up and--despite my deep resentment towards him, I was going to get him something. He'll probably hate it, but whatever, I was a good kid deep down. I found something about history, personally with the mob because that stuff always amazed my dad, so I got it. I went up to the counter, my gaze cast down the whole time.

"This is all for today?" The cashier asked. I quirked an eyebrow and looked up. My throat almost fell out of my mouth because it was the balloon boy. He was in uniform, and working here. I gaped for a few seconds before he looked up. He smiled so widely I thought his cheeks would automatically hurt. "Hey!" He said with a chipper tone. I cleared my throat and nodded to him. He rang my book and but it in a bag. "Have a nice day!" He added, his smile never faltering. I grabbed the bag and quickly walked out, walking straight passed Bert. I didn't stop until I was far from the store and Bert caught up, grabbing my shoulder.

"Dude! What the hell?" He asked confused. I looked around and quickly came up with an excuse.

"I have to use the bathroom." I said frantically before fast walking to the restrooms. I walked into the men's stalls and stood there catching my breath. Why am I so nervous? Oh yeah! I called that guy, who's just trying to be nice, a pedo last night! I caught my breath and clutched the shopping bags in my hand. "Calm down. He's not upset, he sounded happy. It's okay, no ones going to kick your ass. You're not going to get into another fight, and moms going to be proud of you." I assured myself.

"Umm.. Hello?" A voice said. I froze shook my head and walked out of the stall. There stood a very confused looking boy, with tan skins and shirt dark brown hair. He looked around my age. I think he did at lest, I'm bad at guessing ages.

"Hi." I said quickly and set my bags down splashing water in my face. I looked up, wiping my face with a paper towel. The boy was still looking at me. "What?" I asked confused.

"You good?" He asked trying his hands off. I nodded and he smiled. We stood there awkwardly before he extended his arm. "Pete." I looked at his hand, but didn't take it.

"Okay?" I said. I just saw this dude in the bathroom, why is he talking to me? He retracted his hand and left. I shook my head and looked in the mirror. "What?" I muttered under my brethren as I left the bathroom with my bags. I saw Bert and grabbed his hand. "Let's go home." I suggested, dragging him behind me.
"Where's all the food?!" Bert asked from the kitchen. I raised an eyebrow and looked over my shoulder.

"I have food!" I informed. He shortly came back with a bag of chips, and a thing of cookies. My eyes widened. "You whore! I have to do the grocery shopping on a budget while my parents are gone! Put one back!" I pressed. He looked at me confused and I pointed to the kitchen. He sighed, and came back minus the chips. I sat down comfortably and leaned my head back. "Thank you."

"Dude, what's with the balloon?" He asked. I looked over and grimaced. That stupid balloon. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a pair of scissor, popping it. "Jesus! That was loud." Bert whined.

"What balloon?"

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