Letter 3

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Dear Ianto,

If your 'heaven' is just the darkness that I feel every time I die, then I truly feel sorry for you.

I died again today, got attacked by Janet whilst feeding her, and I was sure I felt your presence. Out there in the endless darkness. I hope you knew that I was there. That would make me feel a little better, knowing that we could finally be together in death after being denied that priveledge in life. Maybe if I die enough times, I will stay dead so the heartache will stop and we can be together. 

It's my fault that you died. Before you joined Torchwood Three, your life was perfect. I am a destructive influence; I should have turned you away. I should have told you to go to Torchwood Two or Four. Not here, not Cardiff, not where so many others have died. 

I ruined you, Ianto Jones. Your blood is on my hands. 



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