Letter 5

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Dear Ianto,

You are the last thought to cross my mind before I fall into a restless sleep each night.

You are the first thought to cross my mind when my alarm sounds each morning.

You are the person I wish was calling whenever my phone rings.

You are the only person who has ever made me wish that I was mortal.

You were my world, and living without you isn't life. It's purely existing, trying to put on a brave mask to hide the pain.

I visited Sarah Jane today. We talked about the Doctor and had a cross-dimension phonecall to Rose. They never really knew you, not like I did, but they made me feel a little better. They allowed me to crumble and release my bottled-up sadness. Rose is still living with Ten Two.

I think they have a baby on the way. And yet, he made me a promise.

Through his weak mental link with the real Doctor he would make him find me, so I could talk to him about you.

So, if I pop up on a rainy day in your past, you have the Doctor to thank.

Missing you always,



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