Chapter 11

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If I take the opportunity the Doctor has given me, then I can be with Ianto again.

But I would have to relive my entire life, exactly the same to the detail, apart from destroying the 456 first time around.

I'm allowed to take John with me for moral support, but I will not be allowed to contact the Doctor in the universe where we end up.

And universe-jumping is incredibly risky. We could flick through hundreds of parallel Earths before we find a suitable one to stay in.

My happiness is on the sides of a coin.

Heads - I get to see Ianto again, but have to watch him die again at some point

Tails - we don't find a suitable universe and my final hope is snatched away.

I choose heads.

Once I have explained everything to John he gets this sad, empty look in his eyes and I feel like I've been shot. He still loves me...

But I love Ianto more. He must understand that.

Well, we've just arrived in the fifth test-universe of thr day. Hopefully this one will be right?

Letters To Ianto (Janto Angst)Where stories live. Discover now