Chapter 8: Lets get Mangle back

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Foxies P.O.V.
It has been two days now since Purple guy took Mangle and all of us here at the pizzeria have been searching for them.
We have a map layed out of the table and right now, I'm trying to figure out where she could be. On the map, I see a field and it has a warehouse. I'm guessing that they're there. But I have to wait for Bonnie to come back because he's looking out for Purple guys henchmen and he's going to put a tracker of their car.
I sit down on the stage and run my fingers throw my hair and sigh. 'Don't worry Mangle. We're going to get you bac-' I was taken out of my thoughts when I felt my phone vibrate. I pull it out and I see Bonnie texted.
I found the henchmen and attached the tracker on there car
Thanks buddy. Hurry back so we can see where they're going.
I put my phone back in my pocket and call everyone to the table. Once everyone is at the table, Bonnie walks through the door. He walks toward the table and put at tablet down and showes a red dot moving. It must be the henchmen.
"Thanks Bonnie. This is gonna help us a lot." Freddy said giving him a pat on the back. I look at the tablet and the map and see that the dot is going to the warehouse in the field. I slam my hand down on the table and everone looks at me.
"I knew it. I knew it was that warehouse." I said.
"If it is, lets get suited up and head out." Freddy said as we all nod at him. Bonnie and Chi run to the basement while I grabe something out from under my stage of Pirates cove. Protection vests. I put them on the table.
"Put these on so we don't lose anybody." I say as Bonnie and Chi come back with the gun. They place them on the table next to the vests and we all get prepared. 'We're coming Mangle. Just hold on.' I say to myself in my head.
Mangle's P.O.V.
I don't know how long it's been since I've been here. I lost track of time and wondering where Foxy is. I have been sitting on my bed crying and Purple guys men has been throwing me around the room to make me stop crying. I look like a mess, I can feel it. As I stare at the floor, I see light go on the ground and I look at the door. The door was opening and one of Purple guys men was standing in the door way.
"The boss wants to see you." He said through his mask. I slowly stand up and almost feel but managed to stand up. I then follow the guy down the a long hallway. We stop at a door and he knocks. "Come in." I hear through the door. The guy opens the door and lets me inside. I walk inside and I see Purple guy sitting at his desk with his feet on top of the desk. He looks at me with a evil smile and I stare at the floor.
"Do you know why I have brought you here?" He asks. I don't answer. He puts his feet down and tells me to sit down.
"The reason why I brought you here is tell you a small story and answer 3 questions from you. They will be asked when I'm done. Understood?"
I nod my head.
"Good. Now, about your parents. They were my partner's when we were working at the pizzeria. They were good friends of mine. Then, I saw them get all of the attention and them getting prompted. I was working the same effort like them but the boss didn't think so. Soon, we all found out that your mom was pregent with you. We all were happy, but not everyone. So late-" before he could finish, there was a big bang, almost a crash.
Foxies P.O.V.
We all arrive at the warehouse, Bonnie and I go to the front as Freddy and TFreddy go to the back along with Marrionet and Chica. Chi and TBonnie are also with me and Bonnie. We all get ready to go in as Chi peaks through the window and nods at me. I nod back and kick the door down. I point my gun at the men and tell them to get down. At the same time, Freddy comes breaking the door down and all of Purple guys men goes down on theres knees and they all go to a corner of the room.
"I'm going to see if she's down the hall." I tell everyone. "That wont be necessary." I turn around and see Purple guy holding a knife to Mangles neck and she has tears in her eyes.
"Mangle." I whisper her name. I see her mouth my name.
"It's nice to see all of you again." Said Purple guy. I begin to growl. "Give back Mangle." I say through my teeth. "What would you do if I don't?" He asks. I point my gun at him and say, "Well ain't it obvious. I'll shot you."
"Go ahead try and kill your girlfriend."  He says as he stands more behind Mangle. I look behind me and everyone is standing behind me, but not Marrionet. I think I know where he is. I look back at Purple guy and I see Marrionet in the shadows behind him.
"Let go of Mangle." I say as I slowly put my gun down on the floor. He steps more out so that I could see half od him. I see Marrionet steping up to him and he points his gun in the back of him. Without hesitation, he shot Purple guy and she screams out in pain and lets go of Mangle. Mangle then runs to me and I catch her in my arms. Purple guy falls on the floor and everyone starts to head out. I pick up Mangle bridal style and take her ro the car. I take one last look at the henchmen and they're tied up. I go in the car with Mangle in my lap and she wraps her arms around my neck. I hold her close to me all the way home.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Stay in tooned with the next chapter.

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