Chapter 2

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     I'd like to take a moment to give credit to the fantastic people who are supporting me! Fan_Fictionator3000 Morgie0404 and _Jetan_, go check them out! I'm also going to take some time to say how amazed I am at how fast the reads went up! Thank you all for commenting, and voting, (if you did). Seriously, thank you. <3 (Don't forget, I'm 100% willing to hear suggestions and ideas! Especially a way to incorporate more characters!)

     "Damn-it, Dean!" Bobby shouted angrily, pressing a button on his phone with his pointer finger and dropping it. He plopped one hand onto his thigh, pressing the other against his head in exasperation. He took a deep breath, releasing it in a sigh, "Let's try this again." The phone rang, one ring, two rings, three. A beep. Bobby sat up in anticipation, hoping Dean had picked up.

     "This is Dean's other, other cell so, you must know what to do." Dean's voice echoed through the phone.

     "Really," Bobby sighed, smacking the phone down on his coffee table, leaning back lazily in his chair, "a damn voicemail!?" He questioned, making an astounded yet annoyed facial expression and rearing his head back. The old man took a swig of his beer, which was sitting on his coffee table right next to the library book he was using for research on the case Sam and Dean were working.

     "Hey," a woman half shouted, stepping through the door and shutting it with her feet. Bobby looked up from his book, the woman's face seemingly blocked thanks to some boxes she was carrying.

     "Jody," Bobby grinned, "let me help you with those." He stood up, making his way over to her, grabbing the top box and setting it down on the table in his mini library, also known as his research room. Jody followed behind him, setting the box she was left with on the same table, right next to the other. Bobby gave a huge smile, pulling the cop into a tight hug. Bobby held the embrace for a while, letting it go after at least a few minutes.

     "Has he replied yet?" Jody asked, referring to Dean.

     "Not yet," Bobby retorted somewhat sassily, picking up the open pocket knife on his desk and waving it around a bit, "which is why we're goin' to them." He said, closing the pocket knife, shoving in the pocket of his leather jacket, and pulling it on. Jody's eyes widened slightly in surprise.

     "O-ok," Jody agreed, still in slight shock, "wait, we're doing this now?" She asked, pointing a finger to the ground and looking up at Bobby with a surprised yet questioning expression plastered on her face.

     "Well, yeah," Bobby answered, raising his eyebrows, "those idjits always have a reason for not answerin', and it usually means trouble." Jody let out a sigh, rolled her eyes slightly, then nodded in agreement. She grabbed her car keys out of the left pocket of her jeans. They made a small jingling noise as she pulled them out, the few keys hanging on the metal ring smacking into each other lightly.

     "Alright, then... let's go," Jody said, bringing an arm up in the air and waving her car keys in the direction of her car. Bobby nodded, then proceeded to walk out the door, the cop not too far behind him. The two continued outside, stopping on Bobby's front porch. Jody took a moment to look around, a few seconds later her eyes lit up with recognition. She stepped off of the porch and walked through the car lot towards her cop car.

     "Really?" Bobby asked, gesturing towards the vehicle.

     "What?" Jody questioned in reply, "People don't usually question cops."

     "It says Sioux Falls on it," Bobby sighed, tapping the side of the car, "we aren't gonna' be in Sioux Falls." Jody let out a sigh; her facial expression indicated that she understood what Bobby was implying.

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