Chapter 4

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     Hey, guys! Thank you so much for reading my story. I know it's not the best thing you'll ever come across... but I try my hardest, and I'm just glad you're enjoying it. Before I continue, I'd like to mention my DM/advice/questions Instagram that I share with my friend, it's open to everybody no matter what. The account is mainly for answering people's questions, giving advice for just about anything, and giving support to all who need it. Here it is; (dean._.and._.cas). Just remember not to add the parenthesis or the period afterward! P.S. I sincerely apologize for publishing this the day AFTER Halloween, it was a stressful day, and I never got to finish the chapter. 

     Is this the fifties?

     Or nineteen ninety-nine?

     Dean shot up, his breath heavy and shaking. He looked around for Sam, and the dreary, bland, hospital bed, but instead found himself sitting on a park bench. After taking a look around, it was apparent to Dean that he was no longer in the same town. This place was completely different, not to mention decked with Halloween decorations. Oddly enough, this area looked incredibly familiar. Dean looked the other way, after about a minute of sitting there in shock, he realized that there was a college behind him. 

     "Hold on a second..." Dean said standing up to get a better look at the houses nearby, "it's nowhere close to Halloween." He ran away from the bench, looking around for somebody he knew. Just as he was about to give up, he slowed himself and took another look around the campus. Is that...? Dean thought, squinting his eyes to see better. He was looking at a young, blonde girl. Standing alongside this girl was a tall, lean-muscled, young boy with brown, shaggy hair. Unable to comprehend what he was seeing, Dean crept closer to the couple. 

     "Jess..." Dean overheard the shaggy-haired student say, "you know how I feel about Halloween-"

     "Oh, come on, Sam!" the young girl exclaimed, "It'll be fun."

     "-and you know how I feel about parties." Sam finished.

     "Relax a little!" Jess teased, hitting Sam's arm playfully, "You're the smartest person I know, you are, but you need to just let loose every once in a while."

     "Fine," Sam replied, "but I am not dressing up."

     "Good enough for me," Jess answered, reaching up and fixing the shoulder of Sam's jacket. Sam grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him, kissing her in front of the school.

      "Sammy," Dean whispered, "Jess..." In an attempt to compose himself, Dean blinked a few times and swallowed hard, trying not to cry. All of the sudden, he let out a sharp puff of air. "I'd love to stay for the stroll down memory lane, I really, really would," he said sarcastically, putting his hands out to the side, "but I don't want to be here." Dean looked around, let out a sigh, pursed his lips, and closed his eyes. "To any useful angels who happen to have their ears on, would'ja mind getting me outta' here?" 

     All of the sudden, the sound of flapping wings filled Dean's ears. He whipped his head to face his immediate right, there beside him stood Gabriel. 

     "Look at that," Gabriel sighed, puffing out his chest, lifting his heels off the ground, and then returning to his original standing position, "the day you came and ruined Sam's life." Dean scowled at the archangel, attempting to hide his guilt. 

     "Sam is fine," Dean answered, giving a nervous laugh.

     "We both know that isn't true," Gabriel replied sassily. The sound of flapping wings rung throughout Dean's ears as Gabriel vanished.

     "Hey-" Dean shouted, looking down, taking a step forward, and then looking up again, "-hey!" he took a few long strides forward, his eyes never leaving the sky, before giving up. He bent over, his body tense with annoyance, and placed his hands on his knees for support. "Gabriel!" Dean yelled, pulling his hands up his legs as he straightened out, rearing his head back, so his nose was pointing straight up, his eyes closed in aggravation. "Get back here, you sonofabitch!" Nothing changed, Gabriel was gone.

     Dean brought his hands up and ran them along the sides of his face, up to his forehead, and then back down again. The clapping sound of his hands colliding with the sides of his legs was barely audible over the voices of college students camping out on the front lawn. Upon suddenly remembering that he was in public, Dean brought his head down and awkwardly looked around. What happened was quite the opposite of what he had expected, instead of every student on the lawn staring at him, they seemed entirely unphased. It was as if they couldn't hear the same things he could.

     "Hello?" Dean tested, waving his hands in front of a random student's face. No response. Just as he was about to walk away, he overheard a conversation going on between two suspicious looking young adults not far from him.

     "We have to," one said, taking a moment to scope out the area, "if we don't kill her soon the boss will be mad."

     "We will get it done," the other said, bringing a hand out of his pocket and itching his nose to observe his surroundings more subtly, "Let it stew for a bit. I heard Sam is ring shopping."

     "Alastair asked-"

     "Alastair asked us to get the job done." the other snapped, cutting off the first. 

     "Hey!" Dean shouted angrily, walking in long, quick strides towards the pair of what seemed to be demons. Just as he was about to reach them, the scene changed. Instead of the front of a school building, Dean was in front of a tall, dark, dorm building, not to mention the addition of a time change. It was now around eleven P.M. There were a few visible Halloween decorations out in the distance, but other than that, there weren't many decorations around this specific building for some reason.

     All of the sudden, smoke started seeping out of one of the windows closest to the ground. Dean ran inside, panic taking over his entire train of thought. Once he got inside, he saw his brother, scrambling off the bed in pure terror.

     "Jess!" Sam shouted, still refusing to leave the burning room. Dean's heart started beating faster, harder.

     "C'mon, Sammy!" Dean shouted, trying to tug on Sam's arm, "Sam!" but he couldn't grab his brother, and his brother couldn't hear him.  

     "Jess!" Sam continued to cry out, going further in the room in an attempt to save her. Dean tried again and again, but he couldn't get Sam. The last thing Dean saw was flames taking over the room, the last thing he heard was an ear-piercing shriek of pain. Just as Dean felt like it was over, his eyes opened up, and the sound of his heavy breathing blocked out the song playing in the background. Dean sat up and looked around, this time, he was in a motel. The same one Gabriel had created for them during the apocalypse.

     "See? If you hadn't been there, Sam would have gone to heaven," Gabriel's voice echoed, "he would have died happy." Dean whipped his head around, but he still couldn't find the source of the voice. Then, a high pitched ringing sound boomed all around him. Dean clutched his ears and collapsed onto the ground, now, instead of high pitched ringing, a particular song was blasting in his head, leaving his ears bleeding.

     Tell me, doctor

     Where are we going this time?

     "Now," Gabriel's said, his voice louder than the music, "you're gonna watch him die miserable."

     Is this the fifties?

     Or nineteen ninety-nine?

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