Chapter 5

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Hey guys! Sorry for this chapter, it's basically a colossal author's note. BUT- PLEASE- read it. It would mean the world to me.

I haven't been updating much; you may be wondering why. I have been on a tight schedule, doing chores to save up for the SPN con, homework, and more. I don't have many ideas for more chapters, and I'm not the best at creating plot lines. (Though I have decent grammar skills, sometimes I mess up. Which is why I use a grammar checker), I usually only make about 3-4 mistakes per chapter, but it's still a useful thing to have. The only problem is- it costs money to be able to see the advanced problems. This means I can either create another email, send my invite link to myself, accept it, and get a free week of premium... OR, I can pay a lot of money to get it. That is something I don't want to do or make my parents pay to get.

Speaking of my writing skills, I know they aren't the TIP-TOP best, (as in plot line and stuffs), and I was wondering if you think I should discontinue my story. I say this because there are plenty of other AMAZING Destiel AU's you can read, I don't think this is a top priority for many people. Of course, there's also the fact that I don't know how to make it perfect for all of my readers and it's very stressing. It's stressing because when I try to suit it towards your interests, I end up straying far from my own. This makes it hard to write, especially when I don't know what you guys want. So I can't piece everything together and compromise.

Another reason I haven't been writing much is that I've been working on Christmas gifts for the cast, (I'm going to the con), and because they are handmade it has been very time-consuming. Since the con is reasonably soon, I'll be able to pick up writing again just in time for the Christmas chapter. (This will obviously have some Destiel in it.)

Other than that, I wanted to thank you all for how far this story has come in only four chapters. I feel very loved, appreciated, and happy. Those feelings are things I enjoy feeling, so I sincerely admire you for that. I honestly can't thank you enough. There are so many comments, and votes, and I adore you all for it, but what counts for me is the readers who read all the way through and got me to where I am now.

To end it all, please leave suggestions for any more chapters to come in the comments, or leave a DM. I would love it. Until next time, later, loves. ❤️❤️ Preview of the next chapter down below.

"Jody!" Bobby exclaimed in a harsh whisper, patting her shoulder just violently enough to wake her.

"W-what?" Jody asked groggily, quickly pulling her head away from the car's window sill.

"We're here," Bobby sighed, reaching his arm to the side of him and pulling on the door handle. Jody let out a sleepy whine, laying her head back down. Bobby stared at her in anticipation. She let out a groan and opened the door, slumping out like a vampire injected with dead man's blood.

"C'mon, Jody..." Bobby prodded, putting his hand out towards her and then waving it back towards the hospital behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2017 ⏰

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