Chapter 28

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Chapter 28-

"Audrey?" Mom says.

"Yes mom?" I say, rolling my eyes at my friends, who were stifling their giggles.

"I forgot what time you're coming home," Mom says. "Care to remind me?"

"Thats because I'm not coming home, probably. I'll die of laughter." I say sarcastically. "I'll come home when the cows do."

"Don't you think that's a little late? I don't want you to impose." Mom says. "I mean, thats a pretty bad impression, and I'm your mother-"

"So you'd be blamed. Yes mom, I know. I'll come home when everyone else does."

"Okay sweetie, goodbye. Oh, and don't get too moody on them, like you were to me yesterday. I know the menstrual cycle does crazy things to hormonal-" Mom starts, but I hang up.

Derrick was howling with laughter, Colin was slapping his knee, Clara was rolling on the floor, Hadley got up to use the restroom (probably almost peed her pants), and Ralphie was laughing so hard he was crying.

"Hey Audrey, why didn't you tell us?" Colin says once most of them have calmed down and Hadley returns. "We could've used the authentic stuff!" That sets off another round of laughter.

"Oh shut up, I'm not PMS'ing." I say, rolling my eyes. "I was just mad and moody and stuff yesterday, or i guess its the day before."

"Sure?" Ralphie says.

"Yes!" I exclaim.

"Why were you mad yesterday? You werent going to be living with Mike anymore, I'd be screaming with joy." Clara asks.

"Mood swing." I say, partially lying.

"You get those a lot, yeah?" Derrick says suspiciously.

"Only when-" I start, then stop myself.

"When what?" Hadley asks.

"When I'm PMS'ing?" I try.

"You do that a lot, and you said-" Ralphie says.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Forget that. Just drop this, actually. Yeah, that's a good idea. Do that, please." I ramble, clenching my fingers together and releasing.

"Audrey, what's wrong?" Clara asks.

"Only when I don't take my medicine, or when it doesn't work." I mutter.

"Medicine?" Ralphie asks.

"Yeah." I say. "I take medicine to control my constant mood swings. It's just Vitamin D." I shrug. "Lack of sunlight has been linked to bad thoughts, depression, suicidal thoughts, etcetera."

"Oh." Derrick says. "Does it work?"

"Not as much as my mom hoped." I say. It's partially her fault, though. I think in my head,

"Is it a pill?" Colin asks.

"No. It melts." I say. "I started the medicine before I could swallow pills that size."

"Well, it isn't a party until we play Truth Or Dare." Ralphie says, smirking. I roll my eyes, and we begin.

After Ralphie licks Derrick's cheek, Hadley tells us the last time she pooped, Clara kisses my knee, and Derrick tells us who his first crush was (Clara...awkward), Colin asks me "Truth or Dare?"


"Jump in the pool."

I groan, and go outside. It was at least 8 am, but it was still freezing outside. Everyone follows, and sit on the lawn chairs, Colin sitting in Ralphie's lap. Weirdo. I go to the deep end, kick off my shoes, and do a cannonball.

When I climb out of the pool, I was provided with a towel from Hadley. I wrap it around my body, and we all go back inside. "Hadley, truth or dare?" I ask.

"Truth." Hadley says.

"Who do you like?" I ask.

"You wouldn't know him." Hadley says. "He plays flute-"

"You like a guy who plays flute?" Clara says, and we start giggling.

"Yes." Hadley says, covering her face with her hands. "Thats so embarrassing."

"There is only one guy flute player, Hadley." I say, and start laughing.

"Oh be quiet! They don't know about your obsession with-" Hadley starts.

"Okay!" I exclaim. "You win! But you like Daniel?"

Hadley rolls her eyes. "Yes. Now shut up before I make you."

"Like you could do that." I say, snorting.

"Michael could." Hadley says, and I glare at her.

My phone vibrates from the couch cushion it was under. I grab it, and when I see who sent the text, I put my phone in my suitcase. It keeps vibrating.

"It's Wazowski isnt it?" Clara says. I nod. She grabs my bag, and rips out my phone. "How do you even use one of these?"

I roll my eyes, and notice Derrick does as well. "You just Android it." Derrick says.

"Whatever." Clara mutters, and taps on my phone a lot. "Can i text him?"

"Just tell him its you." I say, shrugging.

"What do you guys talk about anyways?" Clara asks, scrolling. "Oh, you talk about-hey!" She stares at my phone. "That's mean, Audrey! Really mean!"

"Huh?" Ralphie asks, grabbing my phone. "All she said was 'Clara and Alan is my backup otp!'"

"Exactly!" Clara exclaims.

"You could be my otp, if you want to that badly." I say, shrugging.

"How about no." Clara says dryly. She returns to my phone while putting her hair in a ponytail. Her face softens, and I can tell what she just read on my phone. "Audrey, that's-"

"Crazy. I know." I say, shrugging. "It's quite pathetic, too."

"What is?" Hadley asks.

"Her OTP is her mom and dad." Clara says. I reach out and grab my phone. I scroll down on the messages, to the latest ones.

Me (Clara)- Hey it's Clara.

Wazowski- That sucks. I got my hopes up and everything.

Me (Clara)- She'll forgive you someday. She has too.

Wazowski- Why would she have too?

"Why is Mike up at nine in the morning?" I ask.

"Mike?" Ralphie says. "What happened to Wazowski?"

"We aren't on good terms anymore, but Michael is waaaayyyy too formal. And Mikey is for babies." I explain my logic, clenching my fingers.

We play board games for a few hours, and then head home.


Daniel's the guy from the first day of high school that played lacrosse.

There will be no sequel (I don't really do sequels, so people can come up with their own definite ending).

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