Chapter 36

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Chapter 36-

Hadley's POV-

"This feels so weird." Alan says, shuddering. He's sitting next to Clara, holding her hand, at lunch. Although that's probably some of the reason it feel weird, I hope Audrey not being here is another reason. That's how it feels to me.

"No kidding." Colin says. "I-"

"Hi." Lexi says. We all jump.

"Hi." Michael says.

"Can I...has Audrey texted you anything yet?" Lexi says quickly, speeding up as she gets closer to the end.

"No." I say. "I've texted her twelve times."

"I know right?" Lexi says, breathing in relief. "I've texted her four times, and she hasn't responded at all."

"Maybe she's still getting settled in." Derrick points out. "Moving is hard."

"I thought she was ignoring me, and I was scared." Lexi says.

"You can sit with us, if you want." Colin says. "Mourn over Audrey with us and Ralphie."

"Ralphie?" Lexi asks, sitting next to Colin, in Ralphie's usual spot. "What happened to Ralphie?"

"He broke his wrist playing hockey Saturday." Colin says.

"Oh." Lexi says. If my voice was as high and flirty as hers, I'd never speak.

That's basically the rest of lunch. The most boring lunch since the first day of high school. I guess that's what to expect for the first few days without Audrey.

After school gets out, I walk to Audrey's house. Or is it old house? Anyways, that's where I go, and I knock on the door.

"Cody!" Jane, Audrey's Mom, yells. "Can you get that?"

Cody opens the door, and his eyes widen when he sees me. "Audrey's not here anymore," Cody says.

"I know. Last time I was here I left my earbuds in her bedroom." I lie. Cody shrugs and lets me in. I walk up the stairs to Audrey's room, and sit on her stripped bed. I glance around the room, and see the boxes that are all packed up to go to Maine or whatever. I grab one, and open it up.

It was just clothes, so I close it and grab a different one. This one was smaller, filled with jewelry and perfumes. I pull out a perfume and spray it on my wrist. It was Justin Bieber's Girlfriend perfume that her cousin got her when she turned twelve. That cousin's probably given her 3/4 of her perfumes. I put the perfume back in that box, but something catches my eye that makes me wince.

It was our first attempt of making homemade friendship bracelets. How dare she! I mean, I can't get too mad at her because I lost my bracelet at the Disney store in the mall, but still. This was on purpose.

I laugh a little when I put the bracelet around the Bieber perfume. Payback. I open up a new box, because their is no boundaries between Audrey and I. She snoops, I snoop more often. This is a perfect example.

In this box was something that's not all that shocking, but takes my breath away. It was papers, her blades, and wraps and bandaids. I die a little inside, before realizing that if her blades are here, then they aren't with her. I shove the box away, and run down the stairs.

"THANKS!" I yell, and then run to Michael's house. I ring the doorbell, and Michael answers.


"It's an emergency." I say, smiling. Michael gives me a strange look, but lets me in. Teagen runs up to me.

"Rapunzel!" She exclaims, wrapping her arms around my legs. I laugh. It was love at first sight with her, I swear. Audrey's lucky.

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