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About 1 1/2 Years Later-

16 Year Old Audrey-

"Audrey, make sure you don't forget anything!" Mom yells up the stairs. I smile to myself, and check my iPhone. 16th Birthday present from Mom. The Mom that is to be Shelley's step-mom.

I go to messages, and then to "Dad <3". On it was a picture of my redheaded little sister, Sabrina Nicole Jackson. Sabrina wishes you good luck!! I smile again.

I shove my phone in my pocket, and check my pencil bag. Five neatly sharpened pencils are in it, and I smile once again. I put it in my black backpack, and run downstairs in my converse high tops. I check my hair in the hall mirror for curly hairs, and then yell goodbye to Mom.

"DON'T MESS UP!" Mom yells. I roll my eyes. "OH, AND DON'T FORGET CODY AFTER SCHOOL!" I frown, remembering that Cody's at the age I was when I left for "Boarding School".

I shake my had, and walk to school. I go to the office, and get my schedule. Band second period, just like freshman year. AP English, right after lunch. I look at the locker number, and see 462. I blink. That's a big number.

I go to my locker number, and frown when I see I'm on the end. No chance of being next to Michael. No dent in the door, however. I do the combination, 14-08-33, shove my bag in it, and grab my binder and two of my perfectly sharpened pencils. I close the door lightly, to see that it closes nicely. That's something that hasn't happened in a long time. Not even the hospital doors closed right.

I turn around to take a step, only to collide with a guy not that much taller than my 5'10.5" self.

"I'm so sorry." We both say at the same time, and bend down at the same time to pick up our fallen supplies. We smack our heads against each other, and mumble some apologies before grabbing our stuff and taking off.

I lean against the wall once far enough away, and take a few deep breaths. My first encounter with Michael. Maybe he didn't notice me.

I got glasses, and my hair is black again. I got glasses a few months ago because it turns out, my eyesight wasn't so hot. My hair explains itself, pretty much.

I walk into AP Calculus, only to see we have assigned seating. I look up at the board, and see I'm seated next to some kid named Marsha, and-

Marsha. That girl. I groan, and look up at the board again. I'm seated in-between Marsha and another one of Lexi's friends. No big deal.

As more students enter, I feel more and more stares. When the bell rings, I see that Lexi's friend didn't show up for class, and neither did Marsha. Nothing's changed, I guess.

But the girl next to Lexi's friend's spot, has changed. She was blonder, and has even longer hair than she used to. I recognized her instantly, despite the changes. Except I decide to let her recognize me.

"Hmm..." She mumbles. "Oh great, someone named Audrey." She mutters under her breath, then looks to her opposite side. "Doesn't look like an Audrey." She returns her eyes to the board. "Oh, duh, she doesn't sit next to me." She strains her neck to see the boy on the other side of the girl next to her. "Ooo, cute guy. Except that's Daniel. Did they mess up the chart?" I feel her look at me, and I thank God that I was looking at the desk that had "V+J" engraved in it.

"Audrey." Someone whispers under their breath.

"Hmm?" I say, looking up. I look around, and see that no ones looking at me, except Hadley.

"Audrey?" Hadley asks.

"That's me." I say.

"Audrey Gifford?" Hadley whispers.

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